Friday, March 26, 2010

Voice Of Diego And Dora

Ministero della Salute dipartimento della qualità Segreteria generale del consiglio superiore di sanità

SUBJECT: Section II Transmission opinion. Meeting of December 15, 2009

is transmitted to the opinion by the Board of Health, Section II, at its meeting on December 15 2009 on:

"Responsibilities of the biologist and nutritionist"

To learn and to know who I am:

  • the dietician
  • biologist
  • Nutritionist Dietitian
click on the website to learn more

Honda Recon 250 Snow Blade

Problemi con il cibo? Parlane!!!

What is meant by "disorder comportamento alimentare”?

I disturbi del comportamento alimentare costituiscono l’insieme di tutte le sindromi psichiatriche che si manifestano attraverso un comportamento alimentare disturbato.
All’interno di questa definizione sono racchiusi tre tipi di patologie:

È opportuno inoltre sottolineare che i disturbi del comportamento alimentare tendono a presentarsi all’esordio in modo eterogeneo, così come nel corso del tempo possono andare incontro profound changes in clinical and psychopathological lead to fluctuations along a continuum of symptoms extremely broad.

What is the biological hunger and emotional hunger

In order to better understand and control the impulses which have led to improper food intake, it is appropriate that I put in a position to know recognize the biological hunger from emotional hunger

· the biological is a subjective sensation resulting from the need by the body, taking nutrients essential to its operation;

· the emotional hunger, also called " hunger Nerve, "is a subjective sensation resulting from anxiety, boredom, loneliness from even mild depression and were still suffering from inner try to mitigate some of these painful states of mind through dietary intake able to provide them with many different flavors.

is understandable as the food acquires, in critical condition, a value improper because sometimes the flavors generated by it has almost the dignity of feeling, capable of modulating the state of mind.
Although in varying degrees, many people, even those who are not overweight, feel the emotional hunger which leads to food disordered transgressions to diet and consequently overweight, obesity and health problems.
not criminalize the emotional hunger
Those who suffer from emotional hunger will not consider it as a symptom of a disease or, worse still, a feeling of shame that, but consider it merely an expression of discomfort.
emotional hunger should therefore not be criminalized but its causes must be, by my help, well understood so that we can finally live a proper relationship with food.

The following illustrate a therapy that can help solve the problem of hunger emotional condition that she has the necessary determination to achieve this goal, and if not, will find a thousand excuses not to start any of the activities indicated below.
must know that no result can be achieved without spend some 'time to herself.
therapy consists of a part called TRAINING and elsewhere which INITIATIVES RECOMMENDED.

must do this training every day and may do so at any time of day, but preferably at times when it is subject to emotional hunger, and its duration in time will be determined according to the results achieved.
to go to a secluded place to relax without being disturbed, it is important that anyone stop the exercise.
Get in a relaxed position: lying on a bed or in a comfortable armchair.
Once you get the perfect relaxed and after, must surrender to a pleasant and free association of thoughts, images and memories.
The free flow of these associations you will generate various sensations and feelings that are the manifestation of the richness of his inner part of the enormous possibilities of thinking that are inherent in her.
This exercise will last for at least 15 minutes, preferably last longer.
After this time, it must make profound reflection on the difference between feelings and those arising from food instead of his inner self. Reflection on the variety

must compare the variety and types of sensations and feelings derived from his free association of thoughts with the unique flavors from the food that was given to hire. Reflections on freedom

must consider the total FREEDOM 'to feel the feelings and moods as diverse during training in which the protagonist of his thoughts, and feelings of allegiance to the food and the resulting condition of passivity in against an external factor. Reflection on life

must compare the length of feelings that come from training with the feel of the food.
Reflection of remorse
must compare the feeling of serenity and satisfaction, try after training, with the feeling of remorse that often test after taking food for emotional hunger. Suggested action

You must choose among the activities listed below, the development of interpersonal relationships that will live in a mature way, if unable to address in detail, it must first navigate to the rewarding activities, and possibly later to alternative activities .

1. Development of Interpersonal Relationships

If you have a satisfying social life hardly feel the emotional hunger.
may deepen existing friendships, or you can make new ones.
If it is considered a very enterprising person with a character or unwilling, to timidity, to be open to new knowledge, the board membership of religious organizations, political parties, sports clubs, cultural associations, organizations defending the rights of people (UNICEF ) or operating in Defense of Animals (WWF) or nature, etc.. and in these environments, sharing the same ideas with others, can be more easily affected by the group and encouraged to deepen relationships.

2. Rewarding activities
  • Through these activities you will have the opportunity to highlight his physical and mental qualities, resulting in increased self-esteem:
  • surf the Internet to connect to our site adhere to our initiatives, we will be at his side every day to help you solve this problem;
  • a course;
  • your favorite sport;
  • play with your pet / take care of him / prepare food;
  • gardening;
  • paint / draw: the invitation to represent the painting / drawing his moods;
  • read;
  • study;
  • dance: frequent courses Latin American folk dances as much socializing activities and releases;
  • sing
  • favorite music;
  • play an instrument;
  • write a letter / a story;
  • write poems that are as subject to her moods;
  • do meditation
  • do model;
  • chess / checkers;
  • photograph / shoot with the camera;
  • build items of jewelry, small toys;
  • pray
  • a party;

plan their vacation.

3. Alternative Interest

You should choose its preferred interest among those listed below and will practice at the time when hunger is subject to emotional

  • phone a friend, a relative;
  • watch TV, if she likes to watch movies, buy it or take it for rent in video stores to be distracted and concerned;
  • play with video games;
  • leave home (on foot, by bike, go shopping, by car, scooter, motorcycle, to visit friends);
  • do gymnastics at home;
  • a coffee / tea;
  • take a shower / bath;
  • make beauty treatments;
  • do the housework (cleaning the house, washing, ironing);
  • to knit, crochet, embroidery, bobbin lace making, sewing,
  • try and try all the clothes of your wardrobe;
  • to "do yourself ";
  • deal with home repairs;
  • move the furniture in the house;
  • do crossword / puzzle solving;
  • doing a puzzle;
  • attempt a puzzle;
  • grapple with the Rubik's cube;
  • play cards / houses do with papers;
  • looking photo album.


For some people timid and reluctant to open up to others, the food is sometimes a way of overcoming these problems.
So the meals in general over the weekend with friends, at home or at a restaurant, play a particularly important significance for the following reasons:

• The fear of being criticized by others makes us trust in the ability of food divert the attention of others over oneself, by your way of thinking and expression;

· la convinzione di essere noiosi fa confidare nelle molteplici e piacevoli sensazioni che il cibo può fornire agli altri durante l’incontro conviviale, per essere a proprio agio;

· la convinzione, maturata in base ad infelici esperienze passate, di essere persone non degne d’essere amate può rendere difficoltoso il rapporto con gli altri: ci si sente pertanto molto appagati quando, durante le occasioni conviviali vissute in compagnia di altri, si prova quel senso di calore, conforto, rassicurazione e lieve euforia che riporta alle primordiali sensazioni che si provavano quando si riceveva il latte materno dalla madre affettuosa.

Se lei riconosce il suo rapporto con il cibo as the consequence of one of the above concerns, you can talk with me to the surveys: the disposition to put all my experience for their proper analysis and adequate investigation in order to promote an awareness that will lead to more confidence in herself and to show greater emotional stability.


In my experience, sometimes it may be that through the achievement of the diet of a pleasant appearance is not accepted by some patients because it was considered a possible cause of excessive and unwanted attention from people of the opposite sex, the latter, in fact, their behavior may evoke feelings unwanted and sometimes ungovernable.
In my opinion, this will assign a role to the physical abuse only linked to it and any opinions that others may have attitudes toward us to correct this attitude is enough to think all those people, and balanced mature, we are interested in and judge us for what we are, our capabilities and overall quality, not just for our appearance.
I think that, if recognized to be affected by this type of problem, the appropriate analysis and subsequent awareness of itself, will have greater personal confidence, greater psychological autonomy from its physical appearance and greater emotional stability.


Since the diet leads to a change in physical appearance, some patients may express reservations about the achievement of the proposed so afraid of losing some of the characteristics of their physical appearance, capable to enable them to identify themselves and differentiate themselves from others.
These beliefs are more frequently seen when you are in a condition of being overweight for many years, sometimes in childhood or adolescence.
Il miglioramento del proprio aspetto fisico in seguito al calo ponderale non deve, a mio avviso, turbare per il timore di perdere in questo modo una caratteristica tipica di sé stessi. E' sufficiente considerare questo cambiamento fisico come uno dei tanti cambiamenti ai quali nel corso della nostra vita si è già andati incontro: quelli fisici legati ad esempio alla crescita, psicologici e comportamentali dovuti alla raggiunta maturità, di vita legati ad esempio agli impegni di studio, di lavoro o anche quelli importanti relativi alla vita affettiva. L’identità consiste nell’opinione che ognuno ha di sé stesso ed è naturale che essa rimanga sempre la medesima nel corso della vita, come un nucleo permanente e continuativo, e i cambiamenti sopra citati sono solo un mezzo attraverso il quale questa si arricchisce e si rinnova.
Chi ha problematiche relative alla propria identità solitamente dà un’importanza eccessiva all’altrui giudizio tanto che, in certi casi, quest’ultimo diventa più importante del proprio; secondo la mia esperienza, in questo modo si arriva a non essere autonomi per ciò che riguarda le proprie scelte di vita.
Ritengo che alcuni suoi comportamenti rientrino nella tipologia psicologica sopra descritta pertanto la invito, per mezzo di una opportuna analisi di questi problemi, ad emanciparsi dall’altrui giudizio e a fidarsi più del suo, sia per ciò che riguarda l’aspetto esteriore che, in modo more extended, its interiority.


Some people, stressed by the continuous stress from the environment but also by their emotions, they try to deal with this situation by seeking the friendship and affection of rational people and reassuring, but when the relationship with these people is problematic because the latter show little willingness to report, then their interest is poured on the food.
type of non-adherence
They seek, at this point, using food to fill the breach with distinctive tastes and families they evoke feelings of calm and well-being: are then favored food with full flavor, full bodied and mild as milk, cheese, bread, etc..
In his case, therefore, the intake of other foods in addition to those already allocated diet, can be traced to the problems described above. Remedy

The only possible remedy lies in its awareness of this psychological situation: when you have a rational level, in fact, it will be for her more easily controllable.
During monitoring visits we talk about this issue and, based on my experience, I can also give you some tips on how to stand against the same for then drops to no longer have that need imperative to seek stability in others.


Although the problem can be solved only by means of an appropriate awareness of the reasons that underlie the eating disorder, I suggest the following specific activities which, if carried out regularly , to be able to help:
· Connect to my Web site to join in the initiatives I have proposed;
· Listen to music that I can recommend them suitable;
· Drill sports such as swimming or fishing;
· undergo massage relaxing;
· walk in the countryside, by the sea or lake;
· to make a hot bath.

AUTONOMY in eating

For some patients, the taste of food has a much broader meaning than simply oral sensation and becomes almost as important a sense, able, therefore, to modulate their states mood.
may happen then that, following the eating plan that gave it, she does not feel free to choose foods to eat and then decide the feelings and emotions to try, she might feel that I am, through allocation of food to determine the sequence of sensations from food and, therefore, to modulate his mood.
type of non-adherence to the diet plan
People who suffer from certain problems that are typical of transgressions to the diet plan: Do not take or reduce the amount of food allocated to believe that the quantities are "too many" because in fact they find it "too "not free to choose the sensations from food, exchange food with other assigned.
jointly analyzing the reasons for this type of transgression, we can easily understand that, behind these, there is no discomfort due to the feeling of fullness, but rather an attempt to adhere to the diet only partially for the reasons outlined above.
It puts in place, therefore, a compromise al fine di tentare di raggiungere i risultati sperati senza però correre il rischio di sentire imposte dagli altri le sensazioni legate al cibo.
Queste problematiche dovranno essere affrontate, affinchè venga ben compresa la natura del disturbo alimentare che, comunque, ha radici profonde nella sua emotività.
Per venire incontro a questa sua esigenza psicologica, le darò altri alimenti in alternativa a molti fra quelli già presenti nel suo piano alimentare fino a farla arrivare, a partire dalla dieta di mantenimento, ad avere una sempre maggiore autonomia nel gestire la sua alimentazione.
Tenga sempre presente, tuttavia, che la vita può offrirle la possibilità di essere protagonista riguardo a scelte deeper and more satisfying than those related to food. You
· in interpersonal relationships, in choosing people to hang out and deepening your relationship with them or not;
• In professional development by attending courses and refresher courses;
· in cultivating cultural interests (poetry, music, painting, etc.).
· in political choices and commitments of a social nature;
• in the religious and spiritual guidance;
· organize the various commitments of his day;
· to choose the type of physical activity play;
· to choose his hobbies and pastimes
· organizing her home and her family commitments;
• In the choice of clothing and, more generally of his appearance;
and is free to try other kinds of pleasant sensations: visual
·: watch TV, go to cinema;
· hearing: listening to music, listen to the radio.