Friday, April 30, 2010

Cool Hair On Poptropica

Lo sai cosa mangi?

E’ un’abitudine molto diffusa quella di comprare alimenti senza leggere né ingredienti né Tabelle Nutrizionali, per molti è sufficiente leggere la data di scadenza e, soprattutto, il prezzo. Ma sei consapevole di cosa mangi?
Ho paura di no!
Leggere le etichette, le tabelle nutrizionali e gli ingredienti è un comportamento intelligente and responsible and is especially important for your health. Until recently we have witnessed on television the umpteenth scandal on expired food, food of dubious origin worked in private laboratories and without warranty. For that reason, now more than ever, we must buy food produced in Italian factories of which it is clear the company name and origin of raw materials (meat, milk, vegetables ....) To be strictly Italian (synonymous with quality). Read the label helps us to face an important decision on the relationship between price / quality / Health. First, it is important to read the ingredients, ie, the list of substances in the product we're buying. Those who suffer from high cholesterol or have had cases of ischemia, or suffer from diabetes or food allergies or any other condition must necessarily know how to read food labels.
What are the ingredients to avoid?
We can read the ingredients: "Margarine of vegetable origin", "Lard," "hydrogenated fats" or "saturated fat". These fats are seriously dangerous for those suffering from high cholesterol, diabetes or had already been cases of ischemia by increasing levels of "LDL (bad) causing obstruction of the arteries showed signs of heart attack and stroke. Among the ingredients
possiamo anche leggere: “Fecola di Patate” o “Sciroppo di Glucosio” o “Amido di Mais”, che vengono impiegati per addensare, per esempio, i minestroni surgelati o le marmellate o le creme ecc.. Questi causano i “Picchi Glicemici”, ossia, l’innalzamento della glicemia dopo il pasto e se assunti frequentemente causano uno scompenso glicemico dovuto al cattivo controllo dei livelli di glicemia che troppo a lungo rimangono con valori al di sopra 140 mg/100 ml.
Il sale (indicato anche come Sodio) è uno dei componenti sempre presenti tra gli ingredienti, chi soffre di Pressione alta e Cirrosi con insorgenza di Ascite deve controllarne la quantità per evitare ulteriori complicanze.
People suffering from "irritable bowel syndrome" and "Diverticulum" or "Abdominal swelling due to" must always check the ingredients indicates the presence of "Raising agent" and "Bran" and must control the amount of "fiber" as indicated in the nutritional table. The bran has no effect "sandpaper" on the walls of the colon in the presence of diverticula and rupture of some of them can cause blood in the stool resulting in pain, when taken over in large quantities in people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome , may cause a worsening of constipation. The Leavening agents can alter the intestinal flora or to cause the fermentation of sugars during digestion with the formation of air giving a sense of heaviness and swelling with possible abdominal cramps.
Those who suffer from food allergies as the "Nickel" or "gluten" or any other substance, Italian law requires the processing industry and food processing to indicate the ingredients, possible traces of components that can cause allergies or in more severe cases, anaphylactic shock.
Always remember that health is important and that prevention is the start from what we eat. Read food labels can help make your life easier.