Made in UK (Parte1di6): Skins
My friend Giulio in these days of political instability has pushed a permanent solution to the Italian problem: invasion inglese.L 'Anglo-Saxon official invitation to the landing would read something like this:
Your Grace Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, Elisabbetta II of England,
we write to give up, we defeated (yes alone, with our hands). Please proceed to a rapid invasion of the peninsula, the resistance will be purely symbolic. In witness
The Italian people
Unfortunately I still seem distant days of such surrender and in the meantime we can not help but enjoy the beautiful English production.
My first contact with the British series was pretty traumatic. Discover that even in old Europe can speak foul-mouthed, that we take drugs and fuck the guys (and even say they have fucked and not "made love") is something that shook me a lot. A traumatic reveal this truth was the first UK series of my life: Skins. I admit that it took me a bit 'guttural chant to adapt to the English, as I was accustomed to that sguaita American, but did a little' ear Skins row for two straight seasons that manage to be both dramatic and comic (more dramatic). The story is not new, a group of high school students to voting problems as adolescents, but the cut of Skins to the material that is totally innovative.
1) unlike American cousins, the British teenager takes actors to play roles as a teenager. I know that the temptation is to say thank you ca ... but please remember the beard of James Van Der Beek, Dawson on Dawson's Creek (14 years) or the characters of One Tree Hill, married and divorced fathers at age 16. Do not remember them because you do not see these things? Even Dawson's Creek? Liars!
2) The English boys unlike those fucking Americans. They give us in bad and he sometimes does not do it in a bed in missionary position and why are 12 seasons who would attend. In the Skins mental blowjobs on the first kiss does not exist.
3) Teenagers second E4 (TV channel that hosts the series) say bad words, and say so much.
4) Boys Skins take drugs and not by a joint which then creates an enormous sense of guilt. Are tangled up, go to the disco, drink like sponges and the next day to start again.
5) Children can sometimes be very sad and not sad because she dumped you for the fortieth time the girl, but sad that your sick of the age of transition, sad because fish out of water in a world adrift, sad because without order and without stimulation.
Skins is undoubtedly the best teen drama ever produced in Italy was broadcast by MTV, but at unseemly hours and with a pitiful translation. In Italy also, una cosa così non te la produrrebbe neanche Corona, nessuno avrebbe il coraggio di rischiare di rendere pubbliche verità come: -la droga sarà pure dannosa, ma è anche divertente- o -la droga magari non è il problema, ma un sintomo- o anche -il sesso non è nè un sintomo nè la causa di un malessere, è solo sesso-.
Quindi tornando all'inizio del mio intervento, vi prego inglesi invadeteci e tagliate la testa al nostro re... no non gliel'abbiamo già tagliata, no è davvero così basso.
Friday, December 31, 2010
I Get Drunk Off A Fifth
Dove eravamo rimasti...
Ho iniziato a lavorare nel locale più bello di Roma Books & Brunch quindi per un po' non ho scritto, comunque: previewsly on Vere fiction ...
I was all pumped for "The Walking Dead," but later found that it has run a series of powerful zombies was a narcoleptic. The numbers have been skyrocketing, but I nun convinces me the same. Meanwhile, AMC has canceled my beloved Rubicon called "The best series that you're not following." From my favorite channel some things I did not expected them, but then AMC is saved at the end and does something incredible: even with the stellar numbers of "The Walking Dead" decide to cut its staff of writers and feel a new team for next year. Now I do not know why, but I like to think that the AMC, a small independent network, the more the ideas that count the numbers, hope it does not cost much. Meanwhile
Board Walk Empire is over, even if with some framing and silence too, I was fully convinced by HBO to land a quality that few films can only dream of in their wildest dreams wet.
I definitely love Jonathan Ames and his "Bored to dead" which will soon dedicate a long love letter. The second wave reached heights of embarrassing and comical look Giulio laugh like crazy when it should work, embarrassed looks of attracting customers ... is priceless and for everything else there's mastercard to the store because we are not yet Pos for credit cards.
I saw "the event "and I liked it, I watched the fast forward three seasons of" Friday Night Lights "and I decided that I'll never go to study in Texas. I watched the first episode of" Running Wild "and how cute can not compete with its predecessor "Arrested Development" which carries a screenwriter and actor.
I arrived at level 25 with my troll priest in WOW, but maybe a tad off topic.
I've seen the first two episodes of "Californication" and the entire second series of "Misfits" and both are true masterpieces.
I finally confirmed my passion for "community", one of the best comedy of the year and "Dexter," which always seems on to collapse and end surprise you with a flash.
's all for now, I promise to be a bit 'more regular in writing the post .. maybe Evanda the WoW icon on the desktop!
Ho iniziato a lavorare nel locale più bello di Roma Books & Brunch quindi per un po' non ho scritto, comunque: previewsly on Vere fiction ...
I was all pumped for "The Walking Dead," but later found that it has run a series of powerful zombies was a narcoleptic. The numbers have been skyrocketing, but I nun convinces me the same. Meanwhile, AMC has canceled my beloved Rubicon called "The best series that you're not following." From my favorite channel some things I did not expected them, but then AMC is saved at the end and does something incredible: even with the stellar numbers of "The Walking Dead" decide to cut its staff of writers and feel a new team for next year. Now I do not know why, but I like to think that the AMC, a small independent network, the more the ideas that count the numbers, hope it does not cost much. Meanwhile
Board Walk Empire is over, even if with some framing and silence too, I was fully convinced by HBO to land a quality that few films can only dream of in their wildest dreams wet.
I definitely love Jonathan Ames and his "Bored to dead" which will soon dedicate a long love letter. The second wave reached heights of embarrassing and comical look Giulio laugh like crazy when it should work, embarrassed looks of attracting customers ... is priceless and for everything else there's mastercard to the store because we are not yet Pos for credit cards.
I saw "the event "and I liked it, I watched the fast forward three seasons of" Friday Night Lights "and I decided that I'll never go to study in Texas. I watched the first episode of" Running Wild "and how cute can not compete with its predecessor "Arrested Development" which carries a screenwriter and actor.
I arrived at level 25 with my troll priest in WOW, but maybe a tad off topic.
I've seen the first two episodes of "Californication" and the entire second series of "Misfits" and both are true masterpieces.
I finally confirmed my passion for "community", one of the best comedy of the year and "Dexter," which always seems on to collapse and end surprise you with a flash.
's all for now, I promise to be a bit 'more regular in writing the post .. maybe Evanda the WoW icon on the desktop!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Free Blueprints For Fireplace
I wish all readers of this blog cegliese AND THE WORLD A PEACEFUL AND PROSPEROUS 2011
At about 6.500 km from the town of Ceglie, along State Road 581 leading to Martina Franca, past the farmhouses and Picoco Tarturiello, we find a path on the right leading to the Masseria Semeraro or Sumara and the district of the same name . The current district, consists of a plateau in the hills of San Pietro, Monte d'Oro and Lamia Nova, is wedged between the districts of spasm north and east, south of St. Peter and Tarturiello west. The original name of this land was PADULA MONACA and stretched for about a hundred acres and its old boundaries were: WINDOWS district and east district PALACE, Contrada San Pietro in the south, the district MONTE west and north of Falcon. In the seventeenth century the district changed its name, assuming that the owner: SEMERARO, who bought it in 1599 by a descendant of the Family MONACO. This name has been preserved to this day.
From cadastre of 1603, kept in the Brindisi, we read:
de Angelo Semeraro MARTINA juxta sua cedola possede:
1. In loco detto Santo Pietro , seu Padula Monaca , ettara trentatre di terre chiuse, con una cisterna piccola, dentro dentro, quale non è stagna, si non due palmi, et un'altra mezza cisterna, fundata tra le pareti di detta chiusura, comune con le terre di Santo Salvatore della Pecorara, et è stagna solo quattro palm i. Et anco vi sono otto arbori d'olive dentro dette chiuse. Se stimano le terre ettara tredeci docati cento trenta, ettara diece docati ottanta, ettara diece docati sessanta. Conforme sono stimate al altri Citadini. La cisterna piccola se stima decedotto, la mità de l'altra docatio dodeci, compared to that felt good, they are all docati three hundred.
2. Possesses sixty five acres of open lands, of which there are twenty mountainous, with a nova style. It is bordered by Marco Antonio Vacca, John Notar Antonio Coluccio, Giovanni Battista Monaco and other boundaries. If you estimate the land open to the docati dui hectare, are estimated in accordance to 'Citadine nova style and whether to estimate docati sixty. In all, one hundred and ninety docati as Massaria bought by Giovanni Battista Monaco Ceglie of this earth to 'day .... (Text missing). Haver be paid for the contracts must be obligated et alli which bought the three years are used.
Marco Antonio Vacca (di Martina) era il proprietario della Masseria Palazzo; il Notar Giovanni Antonio Coluccio (di Martina) possedeva a quel tempo la Masseria Monte delli Falconi e Giovanni Battista Monaco (di Ceglie) era il proprietario della Masseria San Pietro.
I possedimenti del Monastero di San Salvatore sconfinavano anche nel territorio di Ceglie.
*********************************************************************************************************** I wish all readers of this blog cegliese AND THE WORLD A PEACEFUL AND PROSPEROUS 2011
(the photos are Venerito Pasquale, whom I thank from my heart. Click to enlarge)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Ballet Party Invitations
Archbishop Rocco Caliandro (1872-1924)
time ago, I received with pleasure the publication edited by Dr. Caliandro CATALDO, magisterium, S. Rocco Caliandro Bishop (born in Ceglie January 22, 1872 and died in Termoli March 16, 1924): Firmamentum meum Dominus. The Magisterium of Bishop Rocco Caliandro, Bishop of Termoli 1912 to 1924 , Manduria 2010. The author, grandson of the ECC. Mo Bishop, published excerpts from the Bishops' pastoral letters and directives, which help to understand the religious and ecclesiastical life of the Diocese of Southern Italy, with various problems of disciplinary and doctrinal nature- pastoral. The Bishop Caliandro, dedicated just to the age of 40 years, brilliant priest of the clergy and the Diocesan cegliese Oria, was able to spend himself for the good of the people of Termoli, which was entrusted by Pope Saint Pius X. His pastoral zeal, however, was not devoid of bitterness and sorrow, who introduced him to an early death at only 52 years of age. Son of our people, as a boy had done his apprenticeship la bottega di un calzolaio. La sua vivida intelligenza e la propensione per lo studio fecero di lui un provetto latinista, tanto da esssere considerato il migliore del suo tempo - secondo quanto afferma l'Avv. Giuseppe Magno nella sua Storia di Ceglie Messapica -, un sacerdote pio ed attento alle necessità spirituali e materiali del proprio gregge, un Vescovo intrepido e zelante. Purtroppo, la sua morte prematura, ha privato la Chiesa italiana di un esponente prestigioso; se non fosse deceduto anzitempo, avrebbe sicuramente percorso una carriera molto significativa nell'ambito della gerarchia cattolica meridionale. La sua salma riposa nella monumentale cappella di famiglia, nel cimitero di Ceglie Messapica, sulla cui facciata si staglia nettamente il suo stemma vescovile, reproduced on the cover of the volume in question.
At this point, however, allow me to move some kind of relief at the rate Caliandro, however it must be appreciated for its remarkable meritorietà. Within the volume there is no comprehensive biography is the Bishop and Caliandro is on the same family, who arrived in Ceglie in the second half of the 600. The name of Greek origin Caliandro (whose literal meaning is: handsome ) is typically a surname cegliese, which corresponds in meaning to the surname BELLOMO widespread in Bari and its surroundings. The family has given our community Caliandro town famous men: among others, a certain Antonio Caliandro, in the first half of the 700 was the lawyer of Ceglie, priests and religious, as the Bishop Domenico Caliandro and the current pastor of our great Collegiate Church, Sac. Gianni Caliandro. Hopefully, at this point, that in the near future, the author overcomes these and other gaps with another more thorough and systematic search.
From P.. 13 Volume I quote the following document:
Theodosius Maria Gargiulo
by the Grace of God and the Holy Apostolic
Bishop of Oria
view of the application of acolyte Rocco Caliandro Ceglie of which is to proceed from this instance of the Diocesan the steps necessary for the establishment of its sacred heritage.
view of the two legal copies issued by the Notary of Archangel Nannavecchia Ceglie, the first words in 16 days and the second in the next 18 days past October, showing that the Acolyte said Rocco Caliandro is rightful owner of the following municipal funds:
1. House on the ground floor up area of \u200b\u200bCeglie, consisting of a compartment, with little room foragna, tank and more, located in Vico III Workshop of Nisco, bearing the number 13 and underneath the house of the spouses Antonio and Rubina Scatigna Joy.
2. Another house with sovereign foragna and more situated in Via Bottega Nisco with the number 12 above the houses of Peter Zito.
3. The use of underground stall in the same street with the number 14 below to the house of Peter Zito.
4. Another house in the foreground in the street Lamarina Garden, composed of a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen closet and communion with the tank number 1.
We Theodosius Maria Gargiulo,
Bishop of Oria,
declared valid and approved the sacred heritage of that Acolyte Caliandro described above in the pension funds of municipal census of Ceglie, until it is declared valid consisting etc. etc.
Oria from the Diocesan Curia, 27 December 1895.
(the photos show respectively: the portrait of Bishop Rocco Caliandro, preserved in the sacristy of the Collegiate Church of Ceglie, and the book cover)
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