Sunday, October 28, 2007

Need To Get More Points On Poptropica Help

The wonders of the wine label

"After the day of Sant 'Urbano,
no longer freeze shoots and wheat"

The first time I saw this label I was horrified, in fact, if I remember correctly, my first exclamation was something like "what's this horror kitsch ? "

Then, as often happens with things extreme-music, art, design, people and beginning to be curious, then attracted, then ending fascinated to be the first supporter, trying to make it clear to other , those like you, at first, twisting his mouth, that this it is art at its best. Perhaps, no, probably the finest ever seen label on a bottle of wine.

Thank you, St. Urban, for showing martyred in a vineyard in the second century.
Thanks, Weingut Knoll, for having fished in the tradition and for having designed a label so deliciously kitsch!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

How To Fix A To Salty Dip

Blogger # 11 - Coulée de Serrant 1986

Probably, indeed, we remove the probably the best bottle of white in my life. It 'not that there is, in short, the French will also be arrogant, obnoxious, conceited, vain, self-centered and so on but do not know the wine, damn. And what that makes me go into a rage, is that if we had not brought us (ie, our Roman ancestors) screw up there, you WOULD BE brewer's still killing, 'sti cocks. Instead produce divine nectar, as this Coulée de Serrant 1986. A monument.

Good choice of wine for Blogger # 11, right? The theme was "love marriage, the wine of your match of the century", hosted by Andrea Gori Vino da Burde, although I would change the title to "the wine of the century for your combination 'given the quality of the wine brought into play.

What can I say that has not already been said about the Coulée, gem di Messieu Joly? Contadino, scrittore, imprenditore, papà putativo di tutti i biodinamici, sostenitore del completo rispetto della natura e dei suoi ritmi e, diciamolo, responsabile dei fallimenti di quanti nel tentativo di emulare le sue gesta hanno onestamente preferito conferire all'acetaia il proprio vino.

Questo giovanotto di 21 anni è di un'integrità assurda, a partire dal tappo, perfetto sotto tutti i punti di vista. Aperto circa 6 ore prima di berlo, il vino riempe la cucina dei suoi profumi, gli stessi che ritrovo nel bicchiere, una sinfonia di profumi e note terziare veramente ipnotici. C'è di tutto, dalla cera d'api alle note floreali, liquerizia, salsedine e toni fortemente marini per un vino totalizzante. Che riconosceresti tra mille. In bocca ancora più affascinante, con una struttura e una cremosità spettacolare e una mineralità veramente spiccata.

Cosa abbini a un vino del genere? Io proverei un Brodetto di Pesce in Bianco di Portorecanati.
Ci sono delle varianti di questo piatto che richiedono il pomodoro, credo la versione Vastese, ma penso che del rosso sia troppo anche per una Coulée. Questo piatto unisce il gusto del pesce grasso (triglie, sogliole, merluzzi, cefali, palombo, rospo, pannocchie...) a quello della zafferanella e alle fette di pane abbrustolito. La marinità della Coulée si sposa con quella del piatto mentre la sua acidità compensate for the fat of the fish. The aroma of saffron wild but is enhanced by floral notes of wine, in a combination that, if not Marcarini narrow, strikes the senses.

And after drinking and eating so well, I defy you to resist reciting the Ode to Brudettu ...

El Brudettu

How much bbonu el brudettu purtannaru! What

Gustui sapuritu, marinaru!

E '' n'arte antiga increasingly deffusa;

Nun you know 'pe' fallu Cusa still used.


his art, I giuru, so 'a sumaru;

but quannu lu magnu è celu e maru!

Chi lu ’ssaggia lu ’rvô’, nu’ lu recusa.

Lu sai? El brudettu è già ’rriâtu in USA.

Vôl dì’ che gira ’ttornu al mappamonnu.

Ve pare gne’? Ma ’rmanne chì el segretu

che certamente l’à scuâtu nonnu.

E s’el brudettu dienta vagabonnu
è segnu bonu, scì; però sta’ quetu:
quellu che magni chì te ’rmette al monnu.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Whats Best Place To Steam Free South Park

CS in trouble? No problem, we think Toto

not sell?
Amen, so this is not what matters.
Quality? A variable
then not all that important.
At the end you know what the real problem in Palermo?
And then a hand will not be denied to anyone, no? I

free of provocation, but it's easy to think evil and then when Totò Cuffaro announced yet another package of anti-crisis measures for 70 Cantine Sociali Sicilian difficulties.

Now, the wineries are a very important social reality in many parts of Italy, which often produce good results , that in Sicily there are very very good CS, you can not deny. However, when these contributions end up with bare subsistence? Subsidies received without being linked to any parameter of quality, improving production, organizational changes aimed at saving and optimization?

Help with short legs, one-off solutions in true Italian style, reminiscent of the layoff too "strategic" and other phony aid, useful at the moment but with no effect in the long run. We

help me viticulture in the south in this way, without any strategic vision. In New Zealand already have a plan to make all of the chain wine production from ecologically sustainable by 2012. And they have already reached 65% of the target.

And as another said Toto, more famous, "But do me a pleasure!"

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

How To Make A Simply Slide Projector

send wine More ... Wine of

... more prizes are won (and the trip is free).
Strong marketing strategy of Wine Masters Challenge, the international wine competition which will be held in 2008 in Estoril, Portugal.

Given the shortage of participants from abroad (in 2007 out of 43 gold medals, only 10 were foreigners) came up with what the organizers?

A collection points on pyramid style! If you send 10 different wines be put in competition (at a cost of 125 € = € 1,250 for wine) will be given a trip-trip to Estoril from all over the world, food & accommodation, transfers and various entertainment. And if you convince a producer friend to send samples in turn, earn points. With 10 points earned, you can bring a friend aggratis. The same producer who can do the invitations, your style multi level marketing.
far, almost nothing suspicious. Except that, together with the gratuity, we also offer a nice place in the tasting panel. At that point, pay, taste, judge. So much for professionalism altogether. With the slight suspicion that the more wine you send, the more contributions from more approaching a medal ...

With Max for reporting!