We turn, therefore, especially to Chemistry and Science teachers of secondary schools inviting them to use our experiences as one of the possible tools for integrating the traditional lesson. Demonstrations can be an effective way to make more pleasant the study of chemistry and - precisely because of the change of attitude that students show after attending the presentation - can contribute to a reassessment of teaching often relegated to the discipline, than others, to a minor role in part because of the lack of disclosure habit by insiders.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Symptoms Of Enlarged Liver And Spleen
We turn, therefore, especially to Chemistry and Science teachers of secondary schools inviting them to use our experiences as one of the possible tools for integrating the traditional lesson. Demonstrations can be an effective way to make more pleasant the study of chemistry and - precisely because of the change of attitude that students show after attending the presentation - can contribute to a reassessment of teaching often relegated to the discipline, than others, to a minor role in part because of the lack of disclosure habit by insiders.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Oversized Chupa Chups Topshop
What you need
: 10 150 mL beakers, 2 cylinders, 50 mL, 2 flasks 500 mL
How it works: In a 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask pour 150 mL of H 2 O and 150 mL of the KIO 3 , in another flask, 500 ml pour 60 mL of soluione of NaHSO 3 , 30 mL of starch solution and 210 mL of H 2 O. Prepare the 10 beaker to the table by using these two solutions bulk.

simultaneously pour the contents of the beaker at 5 in the corresponding beaker B.
solutions inside the beaker, colorless, become dark blue due to the formation of the complex starch-iodine, iodine formed following the reaction between The NaHSO 3 and KIO 3

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Ingredients: 1% solution of timolftaleina in ethanol, 0.5 M NaOH solution

Lucy Lee Adult Filmography
Ingredients: NaOH solution (dissolve otto pasticche di NaOH in 200 mL di acqua), fenolfataleina solida, soluzione satura di SbCl 3 in acido cloridrico al 37 % (w/w) , miscela di detersivo in polvere e NaHCO 3 mescolati in parti eguali.
Cosa serve : una caraffa, tre calici, un boccale
Come funziona : versare in una brocca la soluzione di NaOH, questa si presenta come una soluzione incolore (“acqua”). Preparare nell’ordine un calice vuoto, un calice contenente un po’ di fenolfataleina solida, un calice con pochi mL della soluzione acida di SbCl 3 e un boccale con la miscela di detersivo e NaHCO 3 .
Versare NaOH solution from the jug in the first glass "water" and pour the contents of the first glass in the second (there will be a "red wine"): the phenolphthalein (indicator acid base) at pH above 9 takes the pink color. Pour the contents of the second cup in the third, the "red wine" to become "milk" refers to hydrochloric acid solution and the acid does phenolphthalein turn all'incolore while the antimony chloride hydrolyzes to form a white precipitate suspended :
SBCL 3 + H 2 O → SbOCl + 2HCl
Finally, pour the "milk" in the bowl to get the "beer". The hydrochloric acid present in the "milk" reacts with NaHCO 3 and free CO 2 that, along with the detergent, it creates the foam.
NaHCO 3 + HCl → CO 2 ↑ + H 2 O + NaCl
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Cosa serve : una caraffa, quattro calici, due flute.
Come funziona : versare nella caraffa la soluzione di acido tannico, questa si presenta di colore giallino (“vino bianco”). Preparare, nell’ordine: un calice vuoto, un calice contenente pochi mL della soluzione di FeCl 3 , due flute con un fondo di acido solforico concentrato, un altro calice vuoto e un calice con un fondo di acido solforico concentrato.
Versare dalla caraffa the "white wine" in the first glass, then pour the contents of the first glass in the second: the iron (III) forms a complex with the tanned dark blue (from white wine becomes red). Empty the second glass into the jug to turn everything into red wine. Pour straight from the jug wine red in the two flute ("sparkling") then in the third glass (wine red) and finally in the fourth glass (white wine), concentrated sulfuric acid contained in the flute and the fourth Proton glass tannate destroying the complex with iron and regenerating the tannic acid that has the color of white wine or sparkling wine.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Littlespetshop Vips Picters

Ingredients: acid solution of ferric chloride (III) 0.1 M (8.1 g FeCl 3 in 500 mL of water acidified with a few drops of concentrated HCl), ammonium thiocyanate solution 0.1 M (1.78 g NH 4 SCN in 250 mL of water) solution of 0.1 M potassium ferrocyanide (4.6 g K 4 [Fe (CN) 6 ] in 125 mL of water) solution 0.1 M sodium salicylate (1.6 g salicylate in 100 ml of water), solution of tannic acid ( ad libitum, until it melts: add the powder little by little to a beaker full of water while stirring, to avoid it joins).
Cosa serve : pennello, fogli di carta da filtro o altra carta ruvida, uno spruzzatore da biancheria.
Come funziona : Scrivete con il pennello usando le diverse soluzioni di tiocianato, ferrocianuro, salicilato, o acido tannico (i leganti ). Quando le pennellate saranno asciutte, il foglio ritornerà bianco. Riempite lo spruzzatore con la soluzione di cloruro di ferro, e spruzzatela sui fogli: le scritte appariranno in diversi colori (blu, rosso o nero) per la formazione dei complessi colorati tra il ferro e i leganti.
Sicurezza : la soluzione di cloruro di ferro è leggermente corrosiva, fate attenzione quando la spruzzate.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Cheapest Pacific Scence Center Parking
NEW: Chemicals - Our lives, our future / Experience teaches 2011 - University of Palermo
The Magic of Chemistry - University of Turin
X Sigma-Aldrich Young Chemists Symposium - Pesaro
European Researchers' Night and Weekend Search 2010 - English Garden, Palermo
Chemistry Week 2010 - University of Palermo
Lions Club - CEI (former Gonzaga), Palermo
Science Festival 2009 - New Theatre Montevergini, Palermo
Festival of Chemistry - University of Basilicata, Potenza
European Chemistry Thematic Network Congress 2009 - The streets of Poznan
treasures 2008 - University of Palermo
EuCheMS Chemistry Congress 2008 - 1st Silver Flask Trophy - Torino
eighteenth week of scientific culture, 2008 - University of Palermo
The streets of the treasures 2007 - University of Palermo
XVII Scientific Culture Week 2007 - ISMN-CNR - Palermo
Citadel Mediterranean science (opening) - Bari
Researchers' Night 2006 - University of Bari
Final Games of Chemistry - University of Messina
Middle School "Vittorio Emanuele III" - Palermo
Liceo classico "Umberto I" - Palermo
I.T.C. "V. Pareto" - Palermo
Convitto Nazionale "G. Falcone" - Palermo
C.E.I. (ex Gonzaga) - Palermo
XIII congresso della Società Chimica Italiana Sezione Didattica - Palermo
I.C.S. "Padre Pino Puglisi" - Palermo
Liceo classico "Giovanni Meli" - Palermo
I.T.I. "Vittorio Emanuele III" - Palermo
Istituto "Imera" - Palermo
Liceo scientifico "Ernesto Basile" - Palermo
Liceo classico - Alcamo (TP)
Settimana della Chimica 2005 - Università di Palermo