Friday, December 31, 2010
Mucus Before Periods Sign Of Pregnancy
My friend Giulio in these days of political instability has pushed a permanent solution to the Italian problem: invasion inglese.L 'Anglo-Saxon official invitation to the landing would read something like this:
Your Grace Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, Elisabbetta II of England,
we write to give up, we defeated (yes alone, with our hands). Please proceed to a rapid invasion of the peninsula, the resistance will be purely symbolic. In witness
The Italian people
Unfortunately I still seem distant days of such surrender and in the meantime we can not help but enjoy the beautiful English production.
My first contact with the British series was pretty traumatic. Discover that even in old Europe can speak foul-mouthed, that we take drugs and fuck the guys (and even say they have fucked and not "made love") is something that shook me a lot. A traumatic reveal this truth was the first UK series of my life: Skins. I admit that it took me a bit 'guttural chant to adapt to the English, as I was accustomed to that sguaita American, but did a little' ear Skins row for two straight seasons that manage to be both dramatic and comic (more dramatic). The story is not new, a group of high school students to voting problems as adolescents, but the cut of Skins to the material that is totally innovative.
1) unlike American cousins, the British teenager takes actors to play roles as a teenager. I know that the temptation is to say thank you ca ... but please remember the beard of James Van Der Beek, Dawson on Dawson's Creek (14 years) or the characters of One Tree Hill, married and divorced fathers at age 16. Do not remember them because you do not see these things? Even Dawson's Creek? Liars!
2) The English boys unlike those fucking Americans. They give us in bad and he sometimes does not do it in a bed in missionary position and why are 12 seasons who would attend. In the Skins mental blowjobs on the first kiss does not exist.
3) Teenagers second E4 (TV channel that hosts the series) say bad words, and say so much.
4) Boys Skins take drugs and not by a joint which then creates an enormous sense of guilt. Are tangled up, go to the disco, drink like sponges and the next day to start again.
5) Children can sometimes be very sad and not sad because she dumped you for the fortieth time the girl, but sad that your sick of the age of transition, sad because fish out of water in a world adrift, sad because without order and without stimulation.
Skins is undoubtedly the best teen drama ever produced in Italy was broadcast by MTV, but at unseemly hours and with a pitiful translation. In Italy also, una cosa così non te la produrrebbe neanche Corona, nessuno avrebbe il coraggio di rischiare di rendere pubbliche verità come: -la droga sarà pure dannosa, ma è anche divertente- o -la droga magari non è il problema, ma un sintomo- o anche -il sesso non è nè un sintomo nè la causa di un malessere, è solo sesso-.
Quindi tornando all'inizio del mio intervento, vi prego inglesi invadeteci e tagliate la testa al nostro re... no non gliel'abbiamo già tagliata, no è davvero così basso.
I Get Drunk Off A Fifth
Ho iniziato a lavorare nel locale più bello di Roma Books & Brunch quindi per un po' non ho scritto, comunque: previewsly on Vere fiction ...
I was all pumped for "The Walking Dead," but later found that it has run a series of powerful zombies was a narcoleptic. The numbers have been skyrocketing, but I nun convinces me the same. Meanwhile, AMC has canceled my beloved Rubicon called "The best series that you're not following." From my favorite channel some things I did not expected them, but then AMC is saved at the end and does something incredible: even with the stellar numbers of "The Walking Dead" decide to cut its staff of writers and feel a new team for next year. Now I do not know why, but I like to think that the AMC, a small independent network, the more the ideas that count the numbers, hope it does not cost much. Meanwhile
Board Walk Empire is over, even if with some framing and silence too, I was fully convinced by HBO to land a quality that few films can only dream of in their wildest dreams wet.
I definitely love Jonathan Ames and his "Bored to dead" which will soon dedicate a long love letter. The second wave reached heights of embarrassing and comical look Giulio laugh like crazy when it should work, embarrassed looks of attracting customers ... is priceless and for everything else there's mastercard to the store because we are not yet Pos for credit cards.
I saw "the event "and I liked it, I watched the fast forward three seasons of" Friday Night Lights "and I decided that I'll never go to study in Texas. I watched the first episode of" Running Wild "and how cute can not compete with its predecessor "Arrested Development" which carries a screenwriter and actor.
I arrived at level 25 with my troll priest in WOW, but maybe a tad off topic.
I've seen the first two episodes of "Californication" and the entire second series of "Misfits" and both are true masterpieces.
I finally confirmed my passion for "community", one of the best comedy of the year and "Dexter," which always seems on to collapse and end surprise you with a flash.
's all for now, I promise to be a bit 'more regular in writing the post .. maybe Evanda the WoW icon on the desktop!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Free Blueprints For Fireplace
I wish all readers of this blog cegliese AND THE WORLD A PEACEFUL AND PROSPEROUS 2011
Monday, December 20, 2010
Ballet Party Invitations
Friday, April 30, 2010
Cool Hair On Poptropica
E’ un’abitudine molto diffusa quella di comprare alimenti senza leggere né ingredienti né Tabelle Nutrizionali, per molti è sufficiente leggere la data di scadenza e, soprattutto, il prezzo. Ma sei consapevole di cosa mangi?
Ho paura di no!
Leggere le etichette, le tabelle nutrizionali e gli ingredienti è un comportamento intelligente and responsible and is especially important for your health. Until recently we have witnessed on television the umpteenth scandal on expired food, food of dubious origin worked in private laboratories and without warranty. For that reason, now more than ever, we must buy food produced in Italian factories of which it is clear the company name and origin of raw materials (meat, milk, vegetables ....) To be strictly Italian (synonymous with quality). Read the label helps us to face an important decision on the relationship between price / quality / Health. First, it is important to read the ingredients, ie, the list of substances in the product we're buying. Those who suffer from high cholesterol or have had cases of ischemia, or suffer from diabetes or food allergies or any other condition must necessarily know how to read food labels.
What are the ingredients to avoid?
We can read the ingredients: "Margarine of vegetable origin", "Lard," "hydrogenated fats" or "saturated fat". These fats are seriously dangerous for those suffering from high cholesterol, diabetes or had already been cases of ischemia by increasing levels of "LDL (bad) causing obstruction of the arteries showed signs of heart attack and stroke. Among the ingredients
possiamo anche leggere: “Fecola di Patate” o “Sciroppo di Glucosio” o “Amido di Mais”, che vengono impiegati per addensare, per esempio, i minestroni surgelati o le marmellate o le creme ecc.. Questi causano i “Picchi Glicemici”, ossia, l’innalzamento della glicemia dopo il pasto e se assunti frequentemente causano uno scompenso glicemico dovuto al cattivo controllo dei livelli di glicemia che troppo a lungo rimangono con valori al di sopra 140 mg/100 ml.
Il sale (indicato anche come Sodio) è uno dei componenti sempre presenti tra gli ingredienti, chi soffre di Pressione alta e Cirrosi con insorgenza di Ascite deve controllarne la quantità per evitare ulteriori complicanze.
People suffering from "irritable bowel syndrome" and "Diverticulum" or "Abdominal swelling due to" must always check the ingredients indicates the presence of "Raising agent" and "Bran" and must control the amount of "fiber" as indicated in the nutritional table. The bran has no effect "sandpaper" on the walls of the colon in the presence of diverticula and rupture of some of them can cause blood in the stool resulting in pain, when taken over in large quantities in people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome , may cause a worsening of constipation. The Leavening agents can alter the intestinal flora or to cause the fermentation of sugars during digestion with the formation of air giving a sense of heaviness and swelling with possible abdominal cramps.
Those who suffer from food allergies as the "Nickel" or "gluten" or any other substance, Italian law requires the processing industry and food processing to indicate the ingredients, possible traces of components that can cause allergies or in more severe cases, anaphylactic shock.
Always remember that health is important and that prevention is the start from what we eat. Read food labels can help make your life easier.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Voice Of Diego And Dora
SUBJECT: Section II Transmission opinion. Meeting of December 15, 2009
is transmitted to the opinion by the Board of Health, Section II, at its meeting on December 15 2009 on:
"Responsibilities of the biologist and nutritionist"
To learn and to know who I am:
- the dietician
- biologist
- Nutritionist Dietitian
Honda Recon 250 Snow Blade
I disturbi del comportamento alimentare costituiscono l’insieme di tutte le sindromi psichiatriche che si manifestano attraverso un comportamento alimentare disturbato.
All’interno di questa definizione sono racchiusi tre tipi di patologie:
1. Anoressia nervosa (AN)
2. Bulimia nervosa (BN)
3. Disturbi del comportamento alimentare non altrimenti specificati (DCAnas)
È opportuno inoltre sottolineare che i disturbi del comportamento alimentare tendono a presentarsi all’esordio in modo eterogeneo, così come nel corso del tempo possono andare incontro profound changes in clinical and psychopathological lead to fluctuations along a continuum of symptoms extremely broad.
What is the biological hunger and emotional hunger
In order to better understand and control the impulses which have led to improper food intake, it is appropriate that I put in a position to know recognize the biological hunger from emotional hunger
· the biological is a subjective sensation resulting from the need by the body, taking nutrients essential to its operation;
· the emotional hunger, also called " hunger Nerve, "is a subjective sensation resulting from anxiety, boredom, loneliness from even mild depression and were still suffering from inner try to mitigate some of these painful states of mind through dietary intake able to provide them with many different flavors.
is understandable as the food acquires, in critical condition, a value improper because sometimes the flavors generated by it has almost the dignity of feeling, capable of modulating the state of mind.
Although in varying degrees, many people, even those who are not overweight, feel the emotional hunger which leads to food disordered transgressions to diet and consequently overweight, obesity and health problems.
not criminalize the emotional hunger
Those who suffer from emotional hunger will not consider it as a symptom of a disease or, worse still, a feeling of shame that, but consider it merely an expression of discomfort.
emotional hunger should therefore not be criminalized but its causes must be, by my help, well understood so that we can finally live a proper relationship with food.
The following illustrate a therapy that can help solve the problem of hunger emotional condition that she has the necessary determination to achieve this goal, and if not, will find a thousand excuses not to start any of the activities indicated below.
must know that no result can be achieved without spend some 'time to herself.
therapy consists of a part called TRAINING and elsewhere which INITIATIVES RECOMMENDED.
must do this training every day and may do so at any time of day, but preferably at times when it is subject to emotional hunger, and its duration in time will be determined according to the results achieved.
to go to a secluded place to relax without being disturbed, it is important that anyone stop the exercise.
Get in a relaxed position: lying on a bed or in a comfortable armchair.
Once you get the perfect relaxed and after, must surrender to a pleasant and free association of thoughts, images and memories.
The free flow of these associations you will generate various sensations and feelings that are the manifestation of the richness of his inner part of the enormous possibilities of thinking that are inherent in her.
This exercise will last for at least 15 minutes, preferably last longer.
After this time, it must make profound reflection on the difference between feelings and those arising from food instead of his inner self. Reflection on the variety
must compare the variety and types of sensations and feelings derived from his free association of thoughts with the unique flavors from the food that was given to hire. Reflections on freedom
must consider the total FREEDOM 'to feel the feelings and moods as diverse during training in which the protagonist of his thoughts, and feelings of allegiance to the food and the resulting condition of passivity in against an external factor. Reflection on life
must compare the length of feelings that come from training with the feel of the food.
Reflection of remorse
must compare the feeling of serenity and satisfaction, try after training, with the feeling of remorse that often test after taking food for emotional hunger. Suggested action
You must choose among the activities listed below, the development of interpersonal relationships that will live in a mature way, if unable to address in detail, it must first navigate to the rewarding activities, and possibly later to alternative activities .
1. Development of Interpersonal Relationships
If you have a satisfying social life hardly feel the emotional hunger.
may deepen existing friendships, or you can make new ones.
If it is considered a very enterprising person with a character or unwilling, to timidity, to be open to new knowledge, the board membership of religious organizations, political parties, sports clubs, cultural associations, organizations defending the rights of people (UNICEF ) or operating in Defense of Animals (WWF) or nature, etc.. and in these environments, sharing the same ideas with others, can be more easily affected by the group and encouraged to deepen relationships.
2. Rewarding activities
- Through these activities you will have the opportunity to highlight his physical and mental qualities, resulting in increased self-esteem:
- surf the Internet to connect to our site adhere to our initiatives, we will be at his side every day to help you solve this problem;
- a course;
- your favorite sport;
- play with your pet / take care of him / prepare food;
- gardening;
- paint / draw: the invitation to represent the painting / drawing his moods;
- read;
- study;
- dance: frequent courses Latin American folk dances as much socializing activities and releases;
- sing
- favorite music;
- play an instrument;
- write a letter / a story;
- write poems that are as subject to her moods;
- do meditation
- do model;
- chess / checkers;
- photograph / shoot with the camera;
- build items of jewelry, small toys;
- pray
- a party;
plan their vacation.
3. Alternative Interest
You should choose its preferred interest among those listed below and will practice at the time when hunger is subject to emotional
- phone a friend, a relative;
- watch TV, if she likes to watch movies, buy it or take it for rent in video stores to be distracted and concerned;
- play with video games;
- leave home (on foot, by bike, go shopping, by car, scooter, motorcycle, to visit friends);
- do gymnastics at home;
- a coffee / tea;
- take a shower / bath;
- make beauty treatments;
- do the housework (cleaning the house, washing, ironing);
- to knit, crochet, embroidery, bobbin lace making, sewing,
- try and try all the clothes of your wardrobe;
- to "do yourself ";
- deal with home repairs;
- move the furniture in the house;
- do crossword / puzzle solving;
- doing a puzzle;
- attempt a puzzle;
- grapple with the Rubik's cube;
- play cards / houses do with papers;
- looking photo album.
For some people timid and reluctant to open up to others, the food is sometimes a way of overcoming these problems.
So the meals in general over the weekend with friends, at home or at a restaurant, play a particularly important significance for the following reasons:
• The fear of being criticized by others makes us trust in the ability of food divert the attention of others over oneself, by your way of thinking and expression;
· la convinzione di essere noiosi fa confidare nelle molteplici e piacevoli sensazioni che il cibo può fornire agli altri durante l’incontro conviviale, per essere a proprio agio;
· la convinzione, maturata in base ad infelici esperienze passate, di essere persone non degne d’essere amate può rendere difficoltoso il rapporto con gli altri: ci si sente pertanto molto appagati quando, durante le occasioni conviviali vissute in compagnia di altri, si prova quel senso di calore, conforto, rassicurazione e lieve euforia che riporta alle primordiali sensazioni che si provavano quando si riceveva il latte materno dalla madre affettuosa.
Se lei riconosce il suo rapporto con il cibo as the consequence of one of the above concerns, you can talk with me to the surveys: the disposition to put all my experience for their proper analysis and adequate investigation in order to promote an awareness that will lead to more confidence in herself and to show greater emotional stability.
In my experience, sometimes it may be that through the achievement of the diet of a pleasant appearance is not accepted by some patients because it was considered a possible cause of excessive and unwanted attention from people of the opposite sex, the latter, in fact, their behavior may evoke feelings unwanted and sometimes ungovernable.
In my opinion, this will assign a role to the physical abuse only linked to it and any opinions that others may have attitudes toward us to correct this attitude is enough to think all those people, and balanced mature, we are interested in and judge us for what we are, our capabilities and overall quality, not just for our appearance.
I think that, if recognized to be affected by this type of problem, the appropriate analysis and subsequent awareness of itself, will have greater personal confidence, greater psychological autonomy from its physical appearance and greater emotional stability.
Since the diet leads to a change in physical appearance, some patients may express reservations about the achievement of the proposed so afraid of losing some of the characteristics of their physical appearance, capable to enable them to identify themselves and differentiate themselves from others.
These beliefs are more frequently seen when you are in a condition of being overweight for many years, sometimes in childhood or adolescence.
Il miglioramento del proprio aspetto fisico in seguito al calo ponderale non deve, a mio avviso, turbare per il timore di perdere in questo modo una caratteristica tipica di sé stessi. E' sufficiente considerare questo cambiamento fisico come uno dei tanti cambiamenti ai quali nel corso della nostra vita si è già andati incontro: quelli fisici legati ad esempio alla crescita, psicologici e comportamentali dovuti alla raggiunta maturità, di vita legati ad esempio agli impegni di studio, di lavoro o anche quelli importanti relativi alla vita affettiva. L’identità consiste nell’opinione che ognuno ha di sé stesso ed è naturale che essa rimanga sempre la medesima nel corso della vita, come un nucleo permanente e continuativo, e i cambiamenti sopra citati sono solo un mezzo attraverso il quale questa si arricchisce e si rinnova.
Chi ha problematiche relative alla propria identità solitamente dà un’importanza eccessiva all’altrui giudizio tanto che, in certi casi, quest’ultimo diventa più importante del proprio; secondo la mia esperienza, in questo modo si arriva a non essere autonomi per ciò che riguarda le proprie scelte di vita.
Ritengo che alcuni suoi comportamenti rientrino nella tipologia psicologica sopra descritta pertanto la invito, per mezzo di una opportuna analisi di questi problemi, ad emanciparsi dall’altrui giudizio e a fidarsi più del suo, sia per ciò che riguarda l’aspetto esteriore che, in modo more extended, its interiority.
Some people, stressed by the continuous stress from the environment but also by their emotions, they try to deal with this situation by seeking the friendship and affection of rational people and reassuring, but when the relationship with these people is problematic because the latter show little willingness to report, then their interest is poured on the food.
type of non-adherence
They seek, at this point, using food to fill the breach with distinctive tastes and families they evoke feelings of calm and well-being: are then favored food with full flavor, full bodied and mild as milk, cheese, bread, etc..
In his case, therefore, the intake of other foods in addition to those already allocated diet, can be traced to the problems described above. Remedy
The only possible remedy lies in its awareness of this psychological situation: when you have a rational level, in fact, it will be for her more easily controllable.
During monitoring visits we talk about this issue and, based on my experience, I can also give you some tips on how to stand against the same for then drops to no longer have that need imperative to seek stability in others.
Although the problem can be solved only by means of an appropriate awareness of the reasons that underlie the eating disorder, I suggest the following specific activities which, if carried out regularly , to be able to help:
· Connect to my Web site to join in the initiatives I have proposed;
· Listen to music that I can recommend them suitable;
· Drill sports such as swimming or fishing;
· undergo massage relaxing;
· walk in the countryside, by the sea or lake;
· to make a hot bath.
AUTONOMY in eating
For some patients, the taste of food has a much broader meaning than simply oral sensation and becomes almost as important a sense, able, therefore, to modulate their states mood.
may happen then that, following the eating plan that gave it, she does not feel free to choose foods to eat and then decide the feelings and emotions to try, she might feel that I am, through allocation of food to determine the sequence of sensations from food and, therefore, to modulate his mood.
type of non-adherence to the diet plan
People who suffer from certain problems that are typical of transgressions to the diet plan: Do not take or reduce the amount of food allocated to believe that the quantities are "too many" because in fact they find it "too "not free to choose the sensations from food, exchange food with other assigned.
jointly analyzing the reasons for this type of transgression, we can easily understand that, behind these, there is no discomfort due to the feeling of fullness, but rather an attempt to adhere to the diet only partially for the reasons outlined above.
It puts in place, therefore, a compromise al fine di tentare di raggiungere i risultati sperati senza però correre il rischio di sentire imposte dagli altri le sensazioni legate al cibo.
Queste problematiche dovranno essere affrontate, affinchè venga ben compresa la natura del disturbo alimentare che, comunque, ha radici profonde nella sua emotività.
Per venire incontro a questa sua esigenza psicologica, le darò altri alimenti in alternativa a molti fra quelli già presenti nel suo piano alimentare fino a farla arrivare, a partire dalla dieta di mantenimento, ad avere una sempre maggiore autonomia nel gestire la sua alimentazione.
Tenga sempre presente, tuttavia, che la vita può offrirle la possibilità di essere protagonista riguardo a scelte deeper and more satisfying than those related to food. You
· in interpersonal relationships, in choosing people to hang out and deepening your relationship with them or not;
• In professional development by attending courses and refresher courses;
· in cultivating cultural interests (poetry, music, painting, etc.).
· in political choices and commitments of a social nature;
• in the religious and spiritual guidance;
· organize the various commitments of his day;
· to choose the type of physical activity play;
· to choose his hobbies and pastimes
· organizing her home and her family commitments;
• In the choice of clothing and, more generally of his appearance;
and is free to try other kinds of pleasant sensations: visual
·: watch TV, go to cinema;
· hearing: listening to music, listen to the radio.
Monday, February 8, 2010
How To Get The Gunpowder In Poptropica
Friday, February 5, 2010
Rosemont Theater Orchestra Pit
The term "allergy" comes from Greek and means "different reaction" was coined for the first time by von Pirquet in 1906 to indicate the altered reactivity of the organism against usually harmless substances.
Food allergies cause a clinical response to a particular food based on an immunological reaction. This means that food allergy occurs because a particular component ( allergen) contained in the food triggers the body's immune system.
princiapali The allergens in foods are:
- milk proteins: these are also contained in all dairy products like yogurt and cheese, which means that those who are allergic to milk protein will be for its derivatives.
- albumen : cooking eggs causes the proteins contained in the album deteriorate in part by reducing the allergenic effects.
- Vacilina : un'allergenen is contained in vegetables, nuts, hazelnuts and almonds.
- Apples and Prunoidee : allergic to plums, apricots, peaches and cherries is often due to pre-existing allergy to certain pollens and latex.
- Fish : the most allergenic cod, crustaceans, molluscs, sea.
- Meat: pork is the callergenico more than other types of meat.
The symptoms of food allergies
ulcerative stomatitis, esophagitis, doloriaddominali applicants, constipation or alternating diarrhea, recurring colic pain, enuresis (involuntary loss of urine), bone and joint pain, syndromes charged to the cental nervous system (migraine), oral allergy syndrome (swelling of the lips, itching in the mouth, swelling of the tongue, burning throat and respiratory effects asmatci).
Intolerances Food
Food poisoning include any reaction following the ingestion of a food, the reaction can be toxic (ie due to toxic substances such as pesticide residues present in or otherwise) or non-toxic (in this cast is caused by the chemical composition of the food, additives, etc. ..) Food intolerances are not caused by the presence of allergens and trigger the body's immune system. The demonstration of intolerance is caused by an enzyme deficiency ours, for example
- Lactose intolerance: is due to the fact that we lack the enziama (Lactase) Enlarged to digest lactose. This enzyme is produced in greater quantities when is small, or rather until we feed me milk and then calcium. As we age we tend increasingly to avoid reducing the milk, inevitably, the ingestion of calcium and causes reduction of production of the enzyme lactase. The absence of this enzyme causes the non-digestion of lactose (milk sugar) that passes in the first tract, ending unchanged in the area where there are intestinal bacteria that use lactose for food causing gas formation, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea. Lactose can also be found: in products of the Child, cakes, candy, ice cream, including chocolate fudge, margarine, ham and sausages of all kinds, red and white pizza. Lactose is also contained in cheese spreads, soft and semi-soft cheese such as, but not contained in the cheese.
- starch intolerance : is contained in rice and potatoes, the demonstration of intolerance is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme that enables the digestion of starch.
The symptoms of food intolerance are, in essence, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and, in some cases, fever.
To diagnose food allergy tests are used both in vivo in vitro :
- Tes skin in vivo (SPT): is based on hands sting with special surface of the forearm and the placing of allergen extracts. The predictive ability of positive SPT is less than 50% and the negative is over 90%. It appears to be an unreliable test in case of positivity to food allergy.
- In vitro tests (RAST): consists of a blood test and a series of investigations in the laboratory. The predictive power of positive RAST test is like that of SPT, is less than 50% and the negative is over 90%. It appears to be an unreliable test in to be positive for food allergy and is much more expensive.
- challenge test : is done only in hospitals, the allergens are administered and expects the triggering of the immune ystem. It 's the most reliable test ever.
- All other tests turn out to be unreliable and without any scientific basis.
Dietary therapy
The only therapy of proven efficiency in food allergies is the elimination diet for one or more foods to which a finding of hypersensitivity.
Diet Hypoallergenic:
- boiled rice
- turkey, lamb (grilled or steamed)
- fresh lettuce
- peeled pears, fresh pineapple
- extra virgin olive
- tea and sugar cane
- mineral water.
if symptoms subside should return to normal diet and observe their possible resurgence.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Expanding Trouser Waistlines
- carbohydrates, also known as carbohydrates (from the greek "glucose" = sweet) are substances consisting of carbon and water.
- Based on their chemical structure of carbohydrates are classified into simple and complex carbohydrates
GL UCOSIO : normally found in foods , both in free form or in the form of polysaccharide. Is the form in which they be converted to other sugars can be used by the body. Only 5% of the total amount of carbohydrate in our body is represented by circulating glucose in the blood. glycemic index = 100
STARCH : is' the reserve carbohydrate of plants. Abundant in seeds, grains, is found in large quantities in peas, beans and sweet potatoes. In nature there is in two forms, ' amylose el' amylopectin. The higher content of amylopectin and the food is more digestible.
Pityriasis Rosea Labia
• obtain and maintain optimal metabolic control of blood glucose, HbA1c, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure and body weight;
Improve the state of towards health through appropriate food choices and physical activity promotion;
be reached individual nutritional needs taking into account cultural preferences and personal desires and wishes and respecting the individual;
• Change the nutrient intake and lifestyle with choices for the prevention and treatment of chronic complications and comorbidities of diabetes such as obesity, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and nephropathy.
carbohydrates in the diet. The glycemic index
The CHO (commonly called sugars or carbohydrates) are the most responsible macronutrient Circulation glucose, which is influenced by both the quantity and type of carbohydrate in the meal as well as other factors (physical state of food presence of other components such as fat and fiber). The glycemic index is the benchmark in the area of \u200b\u200bincreased blood glucose, given by a type of food, and the result obtained with the reference food (of solito glucosio o pane bianco) contenente gli stessi grammi di CHO.
Counting dei carboidrati
I CHO sono il macronutriente maggiormente responsabile dell’andamento glicemico. L’aumento post-prandiale (dopo i pasti) della glicemia, dopo un pasto misto, è determinato dal quantitativo di CHO del pasto ed il fabbisogno insulinico pre-prandiale (prima dei pasti) è proporzionale al contenuto di CHO del pasto stesso.
Comunemente le persone credono che gli unici cibi che contengono CHO siano cereali, pasta e pane e non realizzano che anche legumi, tuberi, frutta, latte, bevande commerciali e alimenti impanati, contengono CHO.
Si deve comprendere che i termini CHO, amidi, glucidi, zuccheri, sono di fondo sinonimi per indicare sostanze che una volta ingerite e digerite si trasformano in glucosio e, quindi, in aumento di glicemia.
Molto spesso si dava particolare en fasi nel suddividere i CHO in semplici e complessi, in veloci e lenti ed i pazienti ritengono che lo zucchero ed i dolci debbano essere esclusi dalla cor retta alimentazione del diabetico. Più che la fonte ed il tipo ad influenzare la glicemia è il quantitativo di CHO assunti, pertanto il paziente deve es sere in grado di identificare questo quantitativo nei singoli alimenti.
La metodica più applicabile appare quella del “calcolo dei grammi di CHO”, secondo la quale bisogna contare i valori esatti dei CHO presenti negli alimenti consumati.
To find out the exact content of carbohydrate in foods may be introduced to the tables of food composition which shows the grams of carbohydrate per 100 g of product.
E 'essential to develop educational programs to enable the patient to estimate the grams of CHO in the usual portions from food you use most frequently to get to more complex ones. To do this it is vital that the patient is able to practice to weigh the raw and cooked foods, to know how to read food labels, knowing how to use alternative means to estimate the portion consumed and use tables provided by the nutritionist.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Best Of Mario Salieri
few tips on how to make fresh carnival lighter and healthier, thus preventing the onset of symptoms.
Ingredients: 500g flour, 50g sugar, 50 gr butter, 2 egg yolks + 1 whole egg, 1 glass of wine white, a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon baking cakes for , 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, oil for frying.
all know the goodness of the chattering of Carnival, used more or less typical dessert in the whole southern Italy, presented with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or cinnamon. Many will know that it is a fried sweet to be eaten con moderazione possibilmente ce chi dirà: “…ne mangio solo una perchè è troppo calorica”. Basti pensare che solo 100 g di chiacchiere contengono circa 490 Kcal di cui il 36 % è grasso.
Insisto sempre nel dire che a volte i peccati di gola vanno soddisfatti, soprattutto se abitualmente si segue una sana e corretta alimentazione, perché è importante capire che non è l’evento casuale che ci fa ingrassare (es. mangiare 1-2 volte l’anno le chiacchiere di Carnevale) ma piuttosto l’abitudine di mangiare dolci e fritture frequentemente durante tutto l’anno (es. il cioccolatino dopo il caffè, i dolcini la domenica, le cotolette, le patatine fritte, ecc…).
To lighten or make it a little 'healthier talk, even for those who wear high cholesterol, I recommend using butter instead of the' extra virgin olive oil "is known for its antioxidant properties, due to the presence of vitamin . E, is the fact that fat is the only not to interfere with the production of bad cholesterol. This means that does not raise cholesterol levels in the blood.
For frying I recommend you use an oil that has a "smoke point" as high oil extra virgin olive oil or peanut oil or refined palm. The smoke point is the maximum temperature of the oil-bearing in frying, beyond this point begin to form toxic and carcinogenic substances such as' Acrolein "that irritate the stomach lining (and therefore especially dangerous for those suffering from gastritis, esophagitis, gastric ulcers ...) is harmful to the liver (causing an increase of transaminases, especially harmful for those suffering from fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis ...) and is also capable of altering the taste and smells of food. It is strongly recommended, therefore, not used: sunflower oil or sunflower seeds, various oils, corn and soybeans because they have a smoke point is too low. It 'important to be careful with the color of the oil during frying, color changes tending to indicate the start of alteration brown oil, in this case, never add fresh oil but rather throw the cooking oil and put new oil in the pan.
The talk should be removed from the pan still white, so you will avoid the formation of a carcinogen called acrylamide "that contributes to breast cancer. After frying
arranged the chatter on a cushion of absorbent towels (to be changed often) without putting them on top of each other. Let it rest long enough for all the oil is absorbed and when the talk will be dry store them on a tray and sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon or chocolate. Ualà the dish is served! Dr. Simona
Monday, January 25, 2010
How To Repair Tripod Table Legs
As usual, every year we find ourselves having to January to deal with the reality of weight gained during the month of December when the Christmas holidays and dinners we enjoy, we excite and make us forget the basic rules of proper and healthy diet.
I hear very often the phrase "only a fool would start a diet at Christmas, now I enjoy the dinners in January and if you think". How many of you have said?
Unfortunately it is not only the weight to increase, but very often also cholesterol, blood glucose levels in diabetics, blood pressure, triglycerides and disorders for those suffering from esophagitis. But then how to undo the damage?
must understand that our body is like a machine, if we do not use the proper fuel the engine gets dirty and does not work well for this reason it is appropriate to follow detox diet initially, which means no excess fat and cholesterol but full of vegetables. First thing should not be removed pasta, bread and fruit (this applies especially for those who have diabetes) but are simply reduced the amount, always prefer pasta with vegetables or simple sauce, the meat should be eaten in the evening, preferably accompanied by vegetables and a little oil extra virgin olive oil and it is very important to vary the slice of veal with chicken breast, with beef and pork fat, the fish should be eaten at least 2 times a week and preferably in the evening, choosing from the variety of fish (alice , mackerel, sardines), but also go well as cod and sole, the egg, as opposed to as you might think, should not be eliminated even for those who wear high cholesterol but had actually eaten at least once a week.
are to avoid all fats such as butter, margarine, lard, lard and oils for frying.
I realize that, as happens in many families, you still have to eat panettone and pandori and then the common thought is: "Now we have bought and have to eat them, not we throw them. " True! The food is thrown if used with care but not all silver lining. So on Sunday, the day when it is more likely to eat treats and cakes after a week that has followed a healthy diet, you can enjoy after dinner or a slice of panettone pandoro thus avoiding you buy sweet and spend more money.
In addition, to accelerate the beneficial effects of detoxifying power is necessary, perform physical activity that was not to lift weights (which does not cause any oxygen consumption and thus does not burn fat) but instead do: aerobics, running, swimming, soccer, dance etc., that all those activities in which there is a constant oxygen consumption and a marked sweating. It occurred to me, walking through the Villa Comunale di Caltagirone, to see people in overalls who practiced the race but there were those who, dressed as usual and of advanced age, he walked briskly by the perimeter of the house several times, checking the breathing and sweating above. I recommend everyone to follow the latter example because it is easy to practice physical activity at any age, not at all expensive, especially effective in burning fat from the abdomen down and, of course, allows us to breathe clean air and calm made possible by the trees of our public gardens. Dr. Simona