seu notamento Inventory of furniture robbe que si pe possedeno the Greater Ecclesia Earth Ceglie del Galdo
First, a large silver cross with all its trimmed;
- a censer with shuttle et quocchiara all silver
- seven healthy silver goblets et dui broken, such as deli ni are DUI in Santa Maria della Grotta et a deli seven without paten
- number six tin cups with paten
- magnets eleven large stalks et sixty-eight
- Stilletto a cloth of gold is in Santa Maria
- auro a necklace which is in Santa Maria
- dui padlocks without flat
- a Palio novo Carmosino red
- another Palio damask violated
- an altar cloth of white diamaschio
- an altar cloth of auro skin which is in Santa Maria
- two altar cloths red; nigro an altar cloth with his pliers a pallium nigro seu canopy up - uno panno vecchio d’altare rosso et violato; uno panno negro; uno panno d’altare marancino. Q uattro Cappella de velluto: cioè una rossa, una negra, una raso giallo et una verde.
- cappi quattro: cioè una di diamasco rosso, una bianca, una gialla et una violata
- a hood old; - a planet of different colors
- an old cloak of different colors
- linen dress trimmed of all three colors ... no clothes (missing text)
- two red silk cloths work
- a planet quartista
- tovagliaa a canvas machining red two shots
- dui ax red tablecloths work of the altar with leafy
- a tablecloth worked in two shots of red ax
- dui stoiafaccia worked in a silk et alia red silk nigra
- Ciglieri a silk
- two altar cloths of velvet
- a planet canvas nigra
- dui pieces of silk negra
- an altar cloth, canvas
- a sprovero novo
- a tablecloth is white silk
- Peñarol six
- two ciliary worked in white silk
- three ciliary worked silk negra
- Ciglieri five without investor
- Ciglieri two, a green silk knitted et et the other red silk negra
- stole an old Negro
- stole a black woman with a handful
- eight pallets; tablecloths nine o'clock ET et big old stalk of which they are eight to Santa Maria; f acciolette three; u na stole silk v ili six silk worked unprocessed et qu funestra wings are inside the altar; u auro not surrounded by a wreath of gold cake, red. Cultra A green canvas; u na altar cloth worked alli head; u na stole, a amice as the ' another left the quondam Francesca Epifani.
- spatiero A silk; u no piece of old black velvet. Phase Two, an old man, a Santore, a Antiphonary, a Sunday, a book .... a et Pascale, a Responsory novo.
- A book titled the City; A Martyrology.
- One sicchietto, four lampposts large et five children; t king brass censer, u no basin, a large, t King Locchetta with key, a flush of scissors; u na ciliary green silk scostrata; t et ovaglia red white; u coseino no viscosity. A Negro et stole a bunch of old silk. Three bells: a large, an inconsiderable et a middle string, sound.
(La foto principale mostra il Cristo uscente dal sepolcro, che un tempo ornava l'Altare della Resurrezione dell'antica chiesa matrice; le foto dei paramenti liturgici have been taken in the network; the censer of silver and silver processional cross, is preserved in the mother church of Ceglie)