Monday, January 31, 2011

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N she Library "Annibale de Leo" in Brindisi keeps an inventory of the liturgical furnishings of the illustrious 1575 Ceglie Collegiate Church of that time. Perhaps, of all items listed in that time, were only the processional cross of silver and silver censer ( represented in the photos). The reading may seem tedious, but worth knowing what was then secure in the ancient mother church. It is astonishing to read the list a few valuables that belonged to the church of Santa Maria della Grotta , the legacy of the importance that the "sanctuary" had at that time and even in previous centuries.

seu notamento Inventory of furniture robbe que si pe possedeno the Greater Ecclesia Earth Ceglie del Galdo

First, a large silver cross with all its trimmed;

. Cross a little old silver

- a censer with shuttle et quocchiara all silver

- seven healthy silver goblets et dui broken, such as deli ni are DUI in Santa Maria della Grotta et a deli seven without paten

- number six tin cups with paten

- magnets eleven large stalks et sixty-eight

- Stilletto a cloth of gold is in Santa Maria

- auro a necklace which is in Santa Maria

- dui padlocks without flat

- a Palio novo Carmosino red

- another Palio damask violated

- an altar cloth of white diamaschio

- an altar cloth of auro skin which is in Santa Maria

- two altar cloths red; nigro an altar cloth with his pliers a pallium nigro seu canopy up - uno panno vecchio d’altare rosso et violato; uno panno negro; uno panno d’altare marancino. Q uattro Cappella de velluto: cioè una rossa, una negra, una raso giallo et una verde.

- cappi quattro: cioè una di diamasco rosso, una bianca, una gialla et una violata

- a hood old; - a planet of different colors

- an old cloak of different colors

- linen dress trimmed of all three colors ... no clothes (missing text)

- two red silk cloths work

- a planet quartista

- tovagliaa a canvas machining red two shots

- dui ax red tablecloths work of the altar with leafy

- a tablecloth worked in two shots of red ax

- dui stoiafaccia worked in a silk et alia red silk nigra

- Ciglieri a silk

- two altar cloths of velvet

- a planet canvas nigra

- a blue cloth with two shots

- dui pieces of silk negra

- an altar cloth, canvas

- a sprovero novo

- a tablecloth is white silk

- Peñarol six

- two ciliary worked in white silk

- three ciliary worked silk negra

- Ciglieri five without investor

- Ciglieri two, a green silk knitted et et the other red silk negra

- stole an old Negro

- stole a black woman with a handful

- eight pallets; tablecloths nine o'clock ET et big old stalk of which they are eight to Santa Maria; f acciolette three; u na stole silk v ili six silk worked unprocessed et qu funestra wings are inside the altar; u auro not surrounded by a wreath of gold cake, red. Cultra A green canvas; u na altar cloth worked alli head; u na stole, a amice as the ' another left the quondam Francesca Epifani.

- spatiero A silk; u no piece of old black velvet. Phase Two, an old man, a Santore, a Antiphonary, a Sunday, a book .... a et Pascale, a Responsory novo.

- A book titled the City; A Martyrology.

- One sicchietto, four lampposts large et five children; t king brass censer, u no basin, a large, t King Locchetta with key, a flush of scissors; u na ciliary green silk scostrata; t et ovaglia red white; u coseino no viscosity. A Negro et stole a bunch of old silk. Three bells: a large, an inconsiderable et a middle string, sound.


(La foto principale mostra il Cristo uscente dal sepolcro, che un tempo ornava l'Altare della Resurrezione dell'antica chiesa matrice; le foto dei paramenti liturgici have been taken in the network; the censer of silver and silver processional cross, is preserved in the mother church of Ceglie)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

So Cal Shower Curtains

Come eravamo

Here are the new Spartacus, a prequel which tells the rise of Gallic, but before the old spartacus ... there is great sadness in the air, the actor dello spartacus originale sta molto male, il cancro non gli permetterà di affettare nuovi culturisti nell'arena tifiamo tutti per te, comunque.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

White Spots After Tonsillectomy


To :           Mense scolastiche
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

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un dolce 2011 con BBC1

Uguale uguale a Rai uno

Friday, January 14, 2011

Can You Have A Platypus As A Pet

Assassin's Creed il fumetto

Non ho mai letto il fumetto, ma farei dieci minuti di silenzio per chi ha scelto di usare la parola "Game" al posto di "videogioco" o semplicemente "gioco".
Comunque volevo anche augurarvi buona night.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Search Teck

Red i pericoli della pensione

I pericoli state pension is that you end up doing half stoned and Red.
The story is easy, a group made up of monsters in the movie Morgan Freeman, Bruce Willis, John Malkovich and Helen Mirror, lights are retired in one way or another to become the targets of the same CIA that has ordered their removal because Witnesses who now want to cover up an operation.
Bruce is angry and even if they call him Gramps repeatedly breaks the ass to everyone. Morgan Freeman at one point he dresses as a dictator with a lot of African gold insignia, and satin celestino rayban. John Malkovich makes anyone mad as ever. Helen Mirror glacial comically elegant and download an uzi against enemies.
The problem of film therefore is certainly not in the cast (which still performs with the handbrake and the anchor and the parachute and perhaps under the influence of morphine), the big problem is that Red is completely missing the story, or rather what is is completely devoid of credibility and attention I'm not saying I expected the spy story "Three Days of the Condor," I knew it was a comedy, but if the goal was to exaggerate the have done too little and the feeling that you continue to have the whole film is a great opportunity wasted. Red
then remain suspended, neither fish nor fowl governed solely by Goduria great to see old men in action and some stroke of genius Malkovich (the best considering the paresis face of the legendary Bruce).

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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Chi li indovina?

Let's see if there is some high-level nerd who manages to guess all the movies in this exceptional video ... 35 are a help!

35mm from Felix Meyer on Vimeo .

Friday, January 7, 2011

Canadian First Holy Communion Invitations

Made in UK (Parte4di6): Top Gear

And now the return of my favorite game, if you're not good with puzzles and riddles for you have no sense then (put the next instruction would not be as great a disgrace) then Come and have fun with:

flush out the second edition of 20,000 small differnze
To primo vi presento Top Gear direttamente dalla televisione pubblica della Regina.

E ora il nostrano Easy Rider della televisione del Re nano.

Ora sono disposto ad ammettere che non in tutte le puntate di Top Gear una land rover sfida un carrarmato, ma potete essere sicuri che se non amate proprio alla follia i motori nessuna delle puntate di Easy Rider vi terrà svegli fino alla fine.
Top Gear è un vero e proprio show (a differenza della maggior parte dei programmi d'auto). La follia dei tre conduttori trascina the viewer in contests improbable as that in the video. The sharp irony that permeates the program is largely due to the conductor-in-chief Jeremy Clarkson, which defines the Americans of "settlers" and warns us of the BMW navigation system that helps us to invade Poland was also accused of homophobia, have promoted a guide irresponsible and harmful to the environment. This meant that to become my personal myth. Top Gear
bearing a long series of headings as nothing short of brilliant:
1) The Wall Cool / Uncool where the panda 4x4 ends because of the Cool-and pollutant-cheap.
2) The wall of records where the VIP guests of the transmission registered saw their lap times with the terrifying Suzuki Liana (the Spice Geri Halliwell, is unseemly to 52 th place)
3) The car of the year with the following responses:
  • 2001 - Ford Mondeo
  • 2002 - Land Rover Range Rover
  • 2003 - Rolls-Royce Phantom
  • 2004 - Volkswagen Golf GTI
  • 2005 - Bugatti Veyron
  • 2006 - Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder
  • 2007 - Ford Mondeo or Subaru Legacy Outback (have not been able to decide)
  • 2008 - Caterham R500
  • 2009 - Lamborghini Gallardo LP 550-2 Valentino Balboni
In conclusion auto show Top Gear is the most unfair and brilliant that television has ever given us, the only (in the opinion of those who have a panda on gas) capable of keeping alive the ' viewers' attention less passionate.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What To Say On A Retirement Cake

Terzo e ultimo

third and final post on Terriers ...
Remember what I wrote on the first post? And the second?
forget everything ... Terriers is pure dynamite, Give to three episodes to measure the fuse and get away from the place where he placed artillery and wait for the bang.


you again when I finish the first season.

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Welcome new friend

The Return of Buldog terrier, special guests and a bassottino frightfully resembles a giant Javier Barden. The second episode runs fast and safe way to unpredictable weather. Terriers definitely convinced me even more than I ever thought. The characters have good pace and the plot seems to take off horizontally, I also found out that besides me also like to goodfella the Times put it in the top ten of the year. I hope to continue on this pace because I had some problems to fill forty minutes a day wasted in sleep.

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Terriers: brutti, sporchi, ma buoni

classic Buddy Buddy, the first ex-cop ex-drinker, attualmente al verde, gira su un pick up con la pubblicità di un lavapiscine. L'altro giovane good looking con good looking girl al seguito e moto d'ordinanza. Sono una coppia perfetta di improbabili detective senza licenza.
La prima puntata si muove su basi sicure, c'è il cattivo potente, l'ex amico ubriacone, la figlia dello stesso in pericolo e un buldog come special guest. Terriers fa il suo sporco lavoro e lo fa meglio di molti altri crime dall'aria più pulita. I due partner (riconosciuti così solo in vermont come ci ricorda il giovine della coppia) sono il motore primo della serie e per questi brevi quaranta minuti ruggiscono al punto giusto, fanno a cazzotti, rapiscono cani e si metto contro il boss cittadino. quindi se siete orfani di Marlow e volete un po' di sano divertimento in salsa buddy buddy Terriers non vi deluderà.

Alla fine della prima puntata il buldog è fuori dai giochi, ma sto per iniziare la seconda puntata e mi sa che ci risentiremo presto fellas!

Monday, January 3, 2011

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Friday Night Love

A volte me lo domando anche io, a volte mi faccio impressione da solo.
La domanda è semplice: perchè sono quattro giorni che mi addormento alle 4:00 di notte per vedere Friday nights lights? Perchè mi infliggo questa tortura?
La suddetta serie è il tipico teen drama sullo sfondo di una piccola cittadina del texas i cui unici pensieri sono il football, pregare il signore e scopare come ricci trying all possible pairs of intersections (in the tradition teen). As usual, the "boys" are three decades, are all fashion models and resolve any problem putting him on the road in 45 minutes (the time of an episode). So why continue to see these cows? What prompted me to see me in order: Dawson's Creek, One Tree Hill, Veronica Mars, OC, Gossip Girl, October Road. And 'maybe because of my insomnia? Yes it is because of my insomnia, but I suspect a deeper reason. These series cheesy and sickly, have the great advantage of being very little binding (that is, the moment always crap shoot after 2:00) Not only are also comforting to predict, and their success lies mainly in that their light weight and scontatezza. It 'just what reclaim the average viewer (or half asleep). A factor that certainly adds to the allure of 14 year olds who really do Playboy pin-up and the secret desire that everyone has to repeat ad infinitum the phase of falling. It can be seen in this series is the courtship, the first kiss or the first appointments to keep alive the attention of viewers, the love stories of the characters are never really worn, never extensive, because the viewer is like a vampire blood hunt, always wants more romance, more and more first kisses, more appeasement. In
substance of this series creates real voyeur totally disinterested in the reports of falling in love, convinced that the first kiss after being together for 90 minutes (the time of two episodes) and then you try to leave by the next friend in an infinite sequence of pairs in a group so small that they were relatives will only come crippled children.

I'm really smart ...
but now I leave I have to finish reading Gogol's dead souls in the original linga and it's absolutely a coincidence that both have finished downloading the fourth season of Friday Night Lights.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

In Poptropica How Do You Beat Nabo Island

Made in UK (Parte3di6): Misfits

If Misfits were a book and had one of those bands gialle con una frase d'effetto questa potrebbe:
- Peter Petrelli mi può succhiare il pisello-
o anche:
-Come gli X-men, ma strafatti di metanfetamine-

Misfits non è un capolavoro, non è neanche tanto originale (praticamente è skins con i superpoteri),ma resta comunque un importante passo nella definizione di "Gli inglesi sanno fare televisione".
Ma facciamo un passo indietro, Misfits ha una trama che non si può certo dire innovativa: un gruppo di ragazzi destinati ai servizi sociali viene investito da uno strano temporale che gli concede strani poteri. E fin qui tutto bene, ma la genialità di un prodotto come Misfits è di portare dissacrare i miti sugli eroi (e non levargli just the costume) and above all do with a very low production costs.
get super powers for once are not boys with an average of ten and the morals of an altar boy, but boys on the street who can not wait to do the wrong thing. And the wrong things in if they see several Misfits, the complete package to the Skins, sex, drugs and profanity. The whole thing is topped off with special effects by fair country that instead of something off the production's added a touch of trash whose charm is not to be underestimated.
The choice of locations, the east end of London, gives the series a very "street" or "underground", I would not be deficient in other terms to describe la periferia, ma vi assicuro che vedrete una londra che non ha nulla a che fare con il Big Bang o Westminster.
A completare il pacchetto (è forse anche la vera colonna portante della serie) l'interpretazione folle e irrefrenabile di Robert Sheehan che dal primo minuto si esibisce in un'infinita serie di battute alle quali un camionista arrossirebbe come una signorina. Il suo personaggio, Nathan, è una mina vagante sempre pronto dotato di un'inesauribile carica sovversiva ai limiti del parossistico (visto che belle parole che conosco).
Misfits come ho già spiegato forse non sarà un capolavoro, ma è una produzione tanto intelligente e ha sceneggiature e caratterizzazioni tanto perfetti, che non può farsi will hurt.

-Misfits is the ultimate what-if: What if Spiderman had been born in San Basilio or Scampia? -

Saturday, January 1, 2011

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Made in UK (Parte 2di6): Red Riding

Two film students, one Italian and one English.
Question-What 's a TV movie, maybe even a bet? -
Answer (ITA)-A dog crap with actors and directors even more dogs followed by directors of photography Dalton-
Response (UK)-like Red Riding-Art

I had the pleasure of seeing Red Riding to the film festival in Rome. I had the pleasure of seeing them in a marathon and in the original language. I had the displeasure to find that for some reason has never gone and never will go on display Italian.
Red riding is adapted from a series of Books by David Peace, in a trilogy produced by Channel 4 (public TV) and directed by three different directors and actors played by size (for the long list of names, I refer you to wikipedia page, but for which we do not recommend reading if you do not burn the plot.
The narrative unfolds in three years, 1974, 1980, 1983, following the adventures of a Yorkshire town in the grip of a horribly corrupt police and a brutal murderess. The first two episodes seem self-contained, and the third in a kind of catharsis shows us the redemption of the city and the characters that populate unfolding the mystery of the Yorkshire Ripper.

photography is masterful, dark, yet powerful, with shots and bold solutions improponili director for the drama of the beautiful country. The first episode is shot in 16 mm, 35 mm in the second and third with one Red (digital camera capable of recording images at a maximum resolution of 4K). The actors form a very solid cast, with an honorable mention for Adrew Garfield protagonist of the first episode and Paddy Considine inspector in the second and third.

So what do we teach the aliens beyond the sleeve:
1) The police sometimes (often in real life) are the bad guys
2) Not all agents have the neckline of Emanuela Arcuri ertain are ugly and drink it as there was no tomorrow
3) E 'can experience when you turn on the television ... so try not smarmellare .
4) If the movie you do write from a real writer, not the son-in-law of the uncle of the King of Italy, which also makes the plumber, then there is a good chance that the stories are to at least consistent.
5) If the director and screenwriter has even experienced a real writer then you have to give up to fuck all the cast and female players to choose how to act (that is heretical).

In conclusion, I want to say that I deliberately glissando on the plot to avoid revealing too much, but I can ensure that films such as Red Riding are hardly forgettable and depressing light years ahead of Italian production, also beautiful, as Romanzo Criminale.

As in those movies where at the end so appear Ole written to tell us what happened to the characters:
The student of the Italian cinema has 32 years, a little boy for our country, worked as assistant director, but for less pay figure as a tool. And 'the seventh season of "Carabinieri".
The student is 32 years old English instead, the right age to become director of a television channel.