Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Change Mw2 Russian To English


N she Library "Annibale de Leo" in Brindisi keeps an inventory of the liturgical furnishings of the illustrious 1575 Ceglie Collegiate Church of that time. Perhaps, of all items listed in that time, were only the processional cross of silver and silver censer ( represented in the photos). The reading may seem tedious, but worth knowing what was then secure in the ancient mother church. It is astonishing to read the list a few valuables that belonged to the church of Santa Maria della Grotta , the legacy of the importance that the "sanctuary" had at that time and even in previous centuries.

seu notamento Inventory of furniture robbe que si pe possedeno the Greater Ecclesia Earth Ceglie del Galdo

First, a large silver cross with all its trimmed;

. Cross a little old silver

- a censer with shuttle et quocchiara all silver

- seven healthy silver goblets et dui broken, such as deli ni are DUI in Santa Maria della Grotta et a deli seven without paten

- number six tin cups with paten

- magnets eleven large stalks et sixty-eight

- Stilletto a cloth of gold is in Santa Maria

- auro a necklace which is in Santa Maria

- dui padlocks without flat

- a Palio novo Carmosino red

- another Palio damask violated

- an altar cloth of white diamaschio

- an altar cloth of auro skin which is in Santa Maria

- two altar cloths red; nigro an altar cloth with his pliers a pallium nigro seu canopy up - uno panno vecchio d’altare rosso et violato; uno panno negro; uno panno d’altare marancino. Q uattro Cappella de velluto: cioè una rossa, una negra, una raso giallo et una verde.

- cappi quattro: cioè una di diamasco rosso, una bianca, una gialla et una violata

- a hood old; - a planet of different colors

- an old cloak of different colors

- linen dress trimmed of all three colors ... no clothes (missing text)

- two red silk cloths work

- a planet quartista

- tovagliaa a canvas machining red two shots

- dui ax red tablecloths work of the altar with leafy

- a tablecloth worked in two shots of red ax

- dui stoiafaccia worked in a silk et alia red silk nigra

- Ciglieri a silk

- two altar cloths of velvet

- a planet canvas nigra

- a blue cloth with two shots

- dui pieces of silk negra

- an altar cloth, canvas

- a sprovero novo

- a tablecloth is white silk

- Peñarol six

- two ciliary worked in white silk

- three ciliary worked silk negra

- Ciglieri five without investor

- Ciglieri two, a green silk knitted et et the other red silk negra

- stole an old Negro

- stole a black woman with a handful

- eight pallets; tablecloths nine o'clock ET et big old stalk of which they are eight to Santa Maria; f acciolette three; u na stole silk v ili six silk worked unprocessed et qu funestra wings are inside the altar; u auro not surrounded by a wreath of gold cake, red. Cultra A green canvas; u na altar cloth worked alli head; u na stole, a amice as the ' another left the quondam Francesca Epifani.

- spatiero A silk; u no piece of old black velvet. Phase Two, an old man, a Santore, a Antiphonary, a Sunday, a book .... a et Pascale, a Responsory novo.

- A book titled the City; A Martyrology.

- One sicchietto, four lampposts large et five children; t king brass censer, u no basin, a large, t King Locchetta with key, a flush of scissors; u na ciliary green silk scostrata; t et ovaglia red white; u coseino no viscosity. A Negro et stole a bunch of old silk. Three bells: a large, an inconsiderable et a middle string, sound.


(La foto principale mostra il Cristo uscente dal sepolcro, che un tempo ornava l'Altare della Resurrezione dell'antica chiesa matrice; le foto dei paramenti liturgici have been taken in the network; the censer of silver and silver processional cross, is preserved in the mother church of Ceglie)


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