The convent of the Friars Minori was founded in Ceglie caps after 1560, it was one of the first in Terra d'Otranto. The brothers remained there for over three centuries. The Unification of Italy, the convent was the last requirement and brothers sent away. In the convent was home to the military hospital during the cholera epidemic of 1864 and from that time until the fifties was used first as mendicicomio and then as a hospital. Was demolished for the construction of modern hospital until a few years ago ensured the health care not only to Ceglie, but also to patients from neighboring countries. The church, sixteenth-century monument, was also demolished in 1967 after the approval of the Curia, which received in exchange a plot of land on which to rebuild the new church. The liturgical furniture, after an inventory scribbled, he was transferred, without care, at the premises made available by private individuals. In the early 1990, after 25 years since the senseless killing, I knew that what remained of the beautiful church of the Capuchins had been transferred in the farm Galante. With the permission of Bishop Armando Franco, Bishop of the time, I was able to retrieve what was left abandoned, nell'incuria more complete: a painting of 1698, a statue of Christ the Dead (wood), a statue of St. Cyrus (wooden), a statue of St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen (paper mache), a statue of St. Francis de Geronimo (macenula), a papier-mâché relief representing the apparition of the Heart of Jesus in Santa Margherita and the furnishings of the altars in brass. Unfortunately all the other paintings and other statues, including that of the Addolorata, no one knows what happened to. The beautiful statue of the (wooden), carved by an artist of Ostuni in 1860, I managed to recover it some years later, had been brought in Manduria!. With the help of friends I did restore both the canvas and other statues, today everything is well preserved in the Diocesan Museum of Oria.
From "Annals of the Order de 'Frati Minori Cappuccini, 1744:
" The Year of Christ 1633.
Young age, but accomplished in virtue, equally obtained in this 'year, equal wages Fr Bonaventure Matera, clerk of the Province of Otranto. increased between' our coll'ornamento many virtues of the limpid purity, which had always kept arising and even in the century, infinché, consumed in a short time, he was invited by the angels, even by the same Queen of Angels in Heaven. morimondo lay in the Convent of the Angelic Ceglie Young man, and receiving the Sacraments extreme giovialissima he set in a semblance of hilarity, suddenly exclaimed: Come early, come . Father Fr Seraphim from Matera, a priest, who attended asked him where he wanted to go, and good cleric immediately said: In Paradise, the Paradise. And do not you see the Virgin Mary Beatassima accompanied by the choirs of angels, who invites me? Come on then, let us hasten , and those specific words as soon as they exhaled the innocent soul. Same hour, in which the Convent of Ceglie died that devout cleric, was sick in the Convent of Taranto Br Diego from Gallipoli, Lay of singular holiness in the same Provincia; e questi alzando gli occhi inver del Cielo, si diede repentinamente ad esclamare: O voi Beato, o buon chierico! O voi Beato Fr. Bonaventura da Matera! O felicissim o giovinetto! Ecco che dalla gloriosissima Madre di Dio e dagli Angeli è guidato al Cielo . Che Fr. Diego vedesse e dicesse il vero, si fece subito manifesto; perché nel giorno appresso furono portate da Ceglie a Taranto le circolari lettere coll'avviso della morte del chierico e da quelle si ebbe la notizia che appunto era morto in quell'ora stessa, nella quale si era dato a vedere al buon Laico".
(le due foto le ho found on the web: the first shows the old church with the Capuchin monastery, the second one, the view of Ceglie seen from the hill of the Capuchins)
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