We turn, therefore, especially to Chemistry and Science teachers of secondary schools inviting them to use our experiences as one of the possible tools for integrating the traditional lesson. Demonstrations can be an effective way to make more pleasant the study of chemistry and - precisely because of the change of attitude that students show after attending the presentation - can contribute to a reassessment of teaching often relegated to the discipline, than others, to a minor role in part because of the lack of disclosure habit by insiders.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Symptoms Of Enlarged Liver And Spleen
We turn, therefore, especially to Chemistry and Science teachers of secondary schools inviting them to use our experiences as one of the possible tools for integrating the traditional lesson. Demonstrations can be an effective way to make more pleasant the study of chemistry and - precisely because of the change of attitude that students show after attending the presentation - can contribute to a reassessment of teaching often relegated to the discipline, than others, to a minor role in part because of the lack of disclosure habit by insiders.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Oversized Chupa Chups Topshop
What you need
: 10 150 mL beakers, 2 cylinders, 50 mL, 2 flasks 500 mL
How it works: In a 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask pour 150 mL of H 2 O and 150 mL of the KIO 3 , in another flask, 500 ml pour 60 mL of soluione of NaHSO 3 , 30 mL of starch solution and 210 mL of H 2 O. Prepare the 10 beaker to the table by using these two solutions bulk.
simultaneously pour the contents of the beaker at 5 in the corresponding beaker B.
solutions inside the beaker, colorless, become dark blue due to the formation of the complex starch-iodine, iodine formed following the reaction between The NaHSO 3 and KIO 3
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Ingredients: 1% solution of timolftaleina in ethanol, 0.5 M NaOH solution
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Ingredients: NaOH solution (dissolve otto pasticche di NaOH in 200 mL di acqua), fenolfataleina solida, soluzione satura di SbCl 3 in acido cloridrico al 37 % (w/w) , miscela di detersivo in polvere e NaHCO 3 mescolati in parti eguali.
Cosa serve : una caraffa, tre calici, un boccale
Come funziona : versare in una brocca la soluzione di NaOH, questa si presenta come una soluzione incolore (“acqua”). Preparare nell’ordine un calice vuoto, un calice contenente un po’ di fenolfataleina solida, un calice con pochi mL della soluzione acida di SbCl 3 e un boccale con la miscela di detersivo e NaHCO 3 .
Versare NaOH solution from the jug in the first glass "water" and pour the contents of the first glass in the second (there will be a "red wine"): the phenolphthalein (indicator acid base) at pH above 9 takes the pink color. Pour the contents of the second cup in the third, the "red wine" to become "milk" refers to hydrochloric acid solution and the acid does phenolphthalein turn all'incolore while the antimony chloride hydrolyzes to form a white precipitate suspended :
SBCL 3 + H 2 O → SbOCl + 2HCl
Finally, pour the "milk" in the bowl to get the "beer". The hydrochloric acid present in the "milk" reacts with NaHCO 3 and free CO 2 that, along with the detergent, it creates the foam.
NaHCO 3 + HCl → CO 2 ↑ + H 2 O + NaCl
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Cosa serve : una caraffa, quattro calici, due flute.
Come funziona : versare nella caraffa la soluzione di acido tannico, questa si presenta di colore giallino (“vino bianco”). Preparare, nell’ordine: un calice vuoto, un calice contenente pochi mL della soluzione di FeCl 3 , due flute con un fondo di acido solforico concentrato, un altro calice vuoto e un calice con un fondo di acido solforico concentrato.
Versare dalla caraffa the "white wine" in the first glass, then pour the contents of the first glass in the second: the iron (III) forms a complex with the tanned dark blue (from white wine becomes red). Empty the second glass into the jug to turn everything into red wine. Pour straight from the jug wine red in the two flute ("sparkling") then in the third glass (wine red) and finally in the fourth glass (white wine), concentrated sulfuric acid contained in the flute and the fourth Proton glass tannate destroying the complex with iron and regenerating the tannic acid that has the color of white wine or sparkling wine.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Littlespetshop Vips Picters
Ingredients: acid solution of ferric chloride (III) 0.1 M (8.1 g FeCl 3 in 500 mL of water acidified with a few drops of concentrated HCl), ammonium thiocyanate solution 0.1 M (1.78 g NH 4 SCN in 250 mL of water) solution of 0.1 M potassium ferrocyanide (4.6 g K 4 [Fe (CN) 6 ] in 125 mL of water) solution 0.1 M sodium salicylate (1.6 g salicylate in 100 ml of water), solution of tannic acid ( ad libitum, until it melts: add the powder little by little to a beaker full of water while stirring, to avoid it joins).
Cosa serve : pennello, fogli di carta da filtro o altra carta ruvida, uno spruzzatore da biancheria.
Come funziona : Scrivete con il pennello usando le diverse soluzioni di tiocianato, ferrocianuro, salicilato, o acido tannico (i leganti ). Quando le pennellate saranno asciutte, il foglio ritornerà bianco. Riempite lo spruzzatore con la soluzione di cloruro di ferro, e spruzzatela sui fogli: le scritte appariranno in diversi colori (blu, rosso o nero) per la formazione dei complessi colorati tra il ferro e i leganti.
Sicurezza : la soluzione di cloruro di ferro è leggermente corrosiva, fate attenzione quando la spruzzate.
Monday, December 3, 2007
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NEW: Chemicals - Our lives, our future / Experience teaches 2011 - University of Palermo
The Magic of Chemistry - University of Turin
X Sigma-Aldrich Young Chemists Symposium - Pesaro
European Researchers' Night and Weekend Search 2010 - English Garden, Palermo
Chemistry Week 2010 - University of Palermo
Lions Club - CEI (former Gonzaga), Palermo
Science Festival 2009 - New Theatre Montevergini, Palermo
Festival of Chemistry - University of Basilicata, Potenza
European Chemistry Thematic Network Congress 2009 - The streets of Poznan
treasures 2008 - University of Palermo
EuCheMS Chemistry Congress 2008 - 1st Silver Flask Trophy - Torino
eighteenth week of scientific culture, 2008 - University of Palermo
The streets of the treasures 2007 - University of Palermo
XVII Scientific Culture Week 2007 - ISMN-CNR - Palermo
Citadel Mediterranean science (opening) - Bari
Researchers' Night 2006 - University of Bari
Final Games of Chemistry - University of Messina
Middle School "Vittorio Emanuele III" - Palermo
Liceo classico "Umberto I" - Palermo
I.T.C. "V. Pareto" - Palermo
Convitto Nazionale "G. Falcone" - Palermo
C.E.I. (ex Gonzaga) - Palermo
XIII congresso della Società Chimica Italiana Sezione Didattica - Palermo
I.C.S. "Padre Pino Puglisi" - Palermo
Liceo classico "Giovanni Meli" - Palermo
I.T.I. "Vittorio Emanuele III" - Palermo
Istituto "Imera" - Palermo
Liceo scientifico "Ernesto Basile" - Palermo
Liceo classico - Alcamo (TP)
Settimana della Chimica 2005 - Università di Palermo
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Need To Get More Points On Poptropica Help
no longer freeze shoots and wheat"
The first time I saw this label I was horrified, in fact, if I remember correctly, my first exclamation was something like "what's this horror kitsch ? "
Then, as often happens with things extreme-music, art, design, people and beginning to be curious, then attracted, then ending fascinated to be the first supporter, trying to make it clear to other , those like you, at first, twisting his mouth, that this it is art at its best. Perhaps, no, probably the finest ever seen label on a bottle of wine.
Thank you, St. Urban, for showing martyred in a vineyard in the second century.
Thanks, Weingut Knoll, for having fished in the tradition and for having designed a label so deliciously kitsch!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
How To Fix A To Salty Dip
Good choice of wine for Blogger # 11, right? The theme was "love marriage, the wine of your match of the century", hosted by Andrea Gori Vino da Burde, although I would change the title to "the wine of the century for your combination 'given the quality of the wine brought into play.
What can I say that has not already been said about the Coulée, gem di Messieu Joly? Contadino, scrittore, imprenditore, papà putativo di tutti i biodinamici, sostenitore del completo rispetto della natura e dei suoi ritmi e, diciamolo, responsabile dei fallimenti di quanti nel tentativo di emulare le sue gesta hanno onestamente preferito conferire all'acetaia il proprio vino.
Questo giovanotto di 21 anni è di un'integrità assurda, a partire dal tappo, perfetto sotto tutti i punti di vista. Aperto circa 6 ore prima di berlo, il vino riempe la cucina dei suoi profumi, gli stessi che ritrovo nel bicchiere, una sinfonia di profumi e note terziare veramente ipnotici. C'è di tutto, dalla cera d'api alle note floreali, liquerizia, salsedine e toni fortemente marini per un vino totalizzante. Che riconosceresti tra mille. In bocca ancora più affascinante, con una struttura e una cremosità spettacolare e una mineralità veramente spiccata.
Cosa abbini a un vino del genere? Io proverei un Brodetto di Pesce in Bianco di Portorecanati.
Ci sono delle varianti di questo piatto che richiedono il pomodoro, credo la versione Vastese, ma penso che del rosso sia troppo anche per una Coulée. Questo piatto unisce il gusto del pesce grasso (triglie, sogliole, merluzzi, cefali, palombo, rospo, pannocchie...) a quello della zafferanella e alle fette di pane abbrustolito. La marinità della Coulée si sposa con quella del piatto mentre la sua acidità compensate for the fat of the fish. The aroma of saffron wild but is enhanced by floral notes of wine, in a combination that, if not Marcarini narrow, strikes the senses.
And after drinking and eating so well, I defy you to resist reciting the Ode to Brudettu ...
El Brudettu
How much bbonu el brudettu purtannaru! What
Gustui sapuritu, marinaru!
E '' n'arte antiga increasingly deffusa;
Nun you know 'pe' fallu Cusa still used.
his art, I giuru, so 'a sumaru;
but quannu lu magnu è celu e maru!
Chi lu ’ssaggia lu ’rvô’, nu’ lu recusa.
Lu sai? El brudettu è già ’rriâtu in USA.
Vôl dì’ che gira ’ttornu al mappamonnu.
Ve pare gne’? Ma ’rmanne chì el segretu
che certamente l’à scuâtu nonnu.
E s’el brudettu dienta vagabonnuè segnu bonu, scì; però sta’ quetu:
quellu che magni chì te ’rmette al monnu.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
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not sell?
Quality? A variable
then not all that important.
At the end you know what the real problem in Palermo?
And then a hand will not be denied to anyone, no? I
free of provocation, but it's easy to think evil and then when Totò Cuffaro announced yet another package of anti-crisis measures for 70 Cantine Sociali Sicilian difficulties.
Now, the wineries are a very important social reality in many parts of Italy, which often produce good results , that in Sicily there are very very good CS, you can not deny. However, when these contributions end up with bare subsistence? Subsidies received without being linked to any parameter of quality, improving production, organizational changes aimed at saving and optimization?
Help with short legs, one-off solutions in true Italian style, reminiscent of the layoff too "strategic" and other phony aid, useful at the moment but with no effect in the long run. We
help me viticulture in the south in this way, without any strategic vision. In New Zealand already have a plan to make all of the chain wine production from ecologically sustainable by 2012. And they have already reached 65% of the target.
And as another said Toto, more famous, "But do me a pleasure!"
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
How To Make A Simply Slide Projector
... more prizes are won (and the trip is free).
Strong marketing strategy of Wine Masters Challenge, the international wine competition which will be held in 2008 in Estoril, Portugal.
Given the shortage of participants from abroad (in 2007 out of 43 gold medals, only 10 were foreigners) came up with what the organizers?
A collection points on pyramid style! If you send 10 different wines be put in competition (at a cost of 125 € = € 1,250 for wine) will be given a trip-trip to Estoril from all over the world, food & accommodation, transfers and various entertainment. And if you convince a producer friend to send samples in turn, earn points. With 10 points earned, you can bring a friend aggratis. The same producer who can do the invitations, your style multi level marketing.
far, almost nothing suspicious. Except that, together with the gratuity, we also offer a nice place in the tasting panel. At that point, pay, taste, judge. So much for professionalism altogether. With the slight suspicion that the more wine you send, the more contributions from more approaching a medal ...
With Max for reporting!
Monday, September 24, 2007
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"Generosa Barbera
drinking it seems to us to be alone at sea
challenging a storm"
Incipit Carducci must for the Wine Blogger # 10, organized this month by Via Freud 33.
Barbera is a wine that is part of the DNA of every Italian, regardless of geographical origin. E 'on the table of all past often contained in strange containers: bottles, flasks and flasks; gladly bulk and poured into a pitcher. Diluted with water, still or sparkling, has also been "raped" in various ways, starting from the scandal of methanol wine until you get to supermodern unlikely that products with Barbera as God has little to do. Like a phoenix, has always risen from its ashes; generous as it is, has always been content with a role-particularly in Langa comprimaria-particles occupying a bit of vineyard 'most unlucky, yielding the Sorì Mr. Nebbiolo then run to the rescue except where shown its limits, Gaja monsù true?
I love this wine, and love in its most sincere when he sees no wood, when you hear the Fruttino fresh, beautiful floral acidity'll break your jaw, making you salivate like a fountain. I know I'm enoperverso, but so, I found the Barbera in its perfect expression in that of Agazzano (PC), Light Years from the historic cradle of vine, the Asti. The creator of this little gem is the Prince Wine Gianlodovico Gonzaga, the wine is Rocca Barbera 2004, the company is The Torricelle . A couple of acres and Barbera Croatina that if Italy had only a little 'more far-sighted, would be classified Grand Cru : a real clos near the Rock of Agazzano, old vines, poor soil, exposure to sunny location and nature of low yields.
complemented by a cellar dug under the fortress that is, by definition, THE cellar, as if all the images, and the passion of a true Prince Louis-"farmer," one who breaks his hands is really in the vineyard and cellar for his work, despite the difficulties and problems of every day.
The result is this wine that is expressed in the 2004 vintage at its best, from the fantastic purple color with beautiful purple hues, which says a lot about what to expect in the glass. A vinous nose, smelling of violets, ripe plum to the right place, elegant and delicate. Acidity in the mouth that is a pleasure true, a nice full body and velvety tannins.
Drinkability wonderful, open the bottle and in a moment is already over. Produced in
2500 bottles and 200 magnum , if you're lucky you can find a few more directly into the cellar. However, I recommend you visit, also to try other products of Torricelli, Million Red and Cà del BARIGELLI respectively Gutturnio Superiore and Riserva Barbera and Massaveggia .
Farm The Torricelle
Pilastrello Road, 2 / A ~ 29,010 Agazzano (PC)
Phone / Fax 51 372 0377
Friday, September 14, 2007
Constipation At 28 Weeks Pregnant
The important thing is to make them understand fin da piccoli cosa è giusto e cos'è sbagliato. E quando un nipote, per il tuo 35mo compleanno, ti disegna un biglietto di auguri come quello sopra, vuol dire che si è indiscutibilmente sulla giusta strada.
Che dire? Sono grosse soddisfazioni.
Cresci, Matteo, che molte cantine da visitare e tante bottiglie da stappare ci aspettano!
n.b.: il 46 è un omaggio di Matteo a Vale Rossi :)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Does Anyone Like Mixed Wrestling
Quest'anno è andata com'è andata, nonostante i miei buoni propositi , la mia prima vendemmia sarà per un'altra volta.
Nel mondo reale, però. In quello virtuale invece sono già alla seconda vinificazione on myWineFarm.com . After I experimented with a "good" Cortese Alto Monferrato by 320 points, I almost hit the mark with a "GOOD" Barbera D'Asti from 362 points (the website indicates that the male Barbera ... ahiahi!) Produced in sub-Nice, Cru Vigna Verde exposed in north-east to a height of 230mt.
pruning, low yields, treatment with copper sulphate (as taught by my father), I called the family to help me out, I picked up in October with the waning moon, vinification and bottling in August in classical windless day.
And I just want to see if I Suckling at least 97/100 on WS!
You know you do better? If so, I invite everyone to a barbecue in Sorito my farm. Come on, is just 6 km from the nearest town!
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I'll remember the days of Peperosso (omit the link, unfortunately the new one is the original draft) hot corrosive acid but also curious and innovative educational, Massimo Bernardi, with whom I share the skull completely devoid of hair varies (but he is better looking) is back with his new project, Kelablu - Gamberorosso stable.
Among the many beautiful things that you can read his blog, well, I will be there! Too much honor for me to be as lazy as much blog hosted by the company of a bunch of old friends (not just members della WBA, per quanto essa possa ancora essere considerata in vita) per animare la rubrica Il Vino Del Giorno , null'altro che sintetiche note giornaliere su quello che ci capita di bere e di consigliare, senza darci arie e senza usare toni troppo... ingessati. Insomma, Maroni e WS da una parte, noi dall'altra. Il compito è duro ma ce la faremo. Intanto io inizio il 12 Settembre, e mai data poteva essere più adatta....
Stay tuned!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
How Do U Survive With Herpes
Avrete capito leggendomi che ho una particolare predisposizione per i vini dei Colli Piacentini.
Perchè le mie radici affondano in quella terra, che non è più Lombardia ma non è ancora Emilia piena, terra di means par excellence. Not a geographical place, I could say, on the border has always been a bit 'to be fought between the "here" or "the". And like all the borderlands, a harbinger of excellence in all fields. In people, food (Piacenza is the only province to have three Italian PDO in cured meats: bacon, sausage and cup) and wine.
Why the area of \u200b\u200bthe Colli Piacentini has nothing to envy to other areas. The substrate is good or bad the same as the Langhe hills came down to the Tortonesi crosses Oltrepo ', runs through the province of Piacenza, and throws himself at Parma and Bologna. Marl and calcareous clay soils, and the period Tortionata Helvetian, seabed emerged (and you can understand Castell'Arquato walking in the countryside around, where there are more shells to Rimini) where only historical-cultural issues and climatological have "developed differently" than wine growing areas most renowned.
If we add to this natural predisposition careful work on both traditional varieties with the two-cut and the first of Piacenza malvasia that on the least-known, reaching peaks of excellence.
It 's the case of wine in question, the Tabula Rasa Farm's Molinelli of Ziano Piacentino, which goes beyond being a native. And 'in fact, the grape family. Grapevine discovered randomly in the family vineyards in the '60s, it was analysis done by various universities in search of its origins grape variety, without result. He then proceeded to draw up a new tab, by Prof. Fregoni University of Piacenza, "patented" as a new type, grapes Molinelli, in fact, perhaps the result of a cross between Sauvignon and American grapes and cultivated ungrafted.
as bottled table wine for obvious reasons, the wine shows a straw yellow to golden color, very bright and close to that of some Alsatian Riesling. The nose of the first bar is a bit 'monotonous and overly piacione, but with a little' patience goes out the complexity of the wine made notes of smoke, mustard and gravel bagnata ma non eccessive e austere, anzi, al naso persiste una rotondità sorprendente, quasi da vino con un certo residuo zuccherino. In bocca una sopresa, lama di acidità a tenerlo vivo, sparisce il dolce apparente che si avvertiva al sostituito da una grande sapidità, quasi salina. Finale sauvignoneggiante, forse un po' amaro e non lunghissimo, ma penso di più non si possa proprio chiedere a questo campione anche nel rapporto qualità prezzo. E il 2006, assaggiato dalla botte, è ancora più strutturato e sorprendente. Lasciamolo in cantina qualche anno, e vediamo cosa ne viene fuori.
E se avete tempo, fate un giro in cantina: l'incontro con Ginetto Molinelli, una forza d'uomo con un'energia e una determinazione che hanno in pochi, vale da solo il viaggio!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
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Iniziamo con due puntualizzazioni (che puzzano di scusa...). La prima è che questo blog potrebbe cambiare... denominazione.
Da Imbottigliato all'Origine a Vino dei Blogger Blog. Per vari motivi (soprattutto di lavoro ma anche di pigrizia, sono io il vero Vinopigro !) lo aggiorno molto di rado, praticamente solo quando esce il VdB. Chiedo venia, in questo momento trovo più rapido (per il poco tempo che ho) farneticare su un paio di forum .
La seconda è che non ho fatto un volo di fantasia nello scegliere il mio rosato. Sono andato sul sicuro degustando per voi quello che è, di fatto, la storia dei rosati Italiani: il Five Roses di Leone de Castris, nel millesimo '05.
Cosa mi ha fatto scegliere questo vino? Prima di tutto la regione di provenienza, la Puglia, culla insieme alla Calabria dei migliori rosè sulla piazza (ok, anche i Cerasuoli abruzzesi non sono male!). In seconda battuta il ruolo che questo vino ha nella tipologia. Prima annata di produzione, il 1943, quando in Italia per la maggior parte della popolazione era difficile bere qualcosa di diverso dall'acqua (si era in piena guerra). Curiosa la storia del nome anglofono : deriva dalla contrada Cinque Rose, a Salice Salentino, chiamata così perchè ogni de Castris per generazioni aveva avuto cinque figli, appunto cinque rose. General Charles Poletti, who was responsible for the SUPPLY of Allied forces at the end of the war fell in love with this wine, and ordered the company a large number of bottles. But the name as "Italian" was not right, and changed it to Five Roses. This explains the origin of the name, the first case of globalization casus belli. Then came even Were Dreams, now it is just wine, but that's another story ...
Coming to wine, finally, we are faced with a good product. 90% with a balance of Negroamaro Malvasia Nera, about ten hours of maceration to achieve its characteristic color. A beautiful cherry red, very intense, brilliant and captivating. The nose of strawberries, raspberries and red fruits in general, we give in to the big, chased by beautiful shades of rose hips. Nice and complex nose, nothing to say. On the palate the wine has body, light tannins present but the mouth is filled to understand that doing well behind a vine is very important and good work. Too bad for the ending, which I think is a bit 'bitter and not very long, but you can not expect more of their own. Let's say that if you take away 80 points in agility.
And I must confess that I have sinned much. After tasting it at 13 degrees, I stuck it in the fridge and I have shot 7.
A real pleasure!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Brain Helmet Poptropica
Dura choice, that request for Luk wine bloggers # 5. A little 'as Buridan's ass, I found myself in trouble: what to choose between a fine and elegant Pinot Nero from Alto Adige or a vigorous and full-bodied Merlot from Friuli?
The donkey in question made a bad end: indecision on which one tempting piles of hay to feed, died of hunger. I, obviously (I hope) ass are not (and do not want to die of thirst) I made a reasoned choice.
drinking Pinot Noir in question (for readers, the 2003 Garlider, keep an eye on Christian we can do ...) was how to commit infanticide, troppotroppo young, while the COF Merlot Reserve Old Broil I felt ready to be consumed.
I know, I have chosen for exclusion, but choice is always, no?
As always I try to Google some more information about the company. The home page states:
good start ... .. ..
A B ncient Roilo,
old farm in the heart of the eastern hills, in a magnificent environment
produces excellent white and red wines
But I must say that I found an excellent product. Of course, not a standard of elegance. The vine, outgoing and a bit 'piacione of his own, enhanced by vintage Sahara, has produced a wine, pass me the term fat and rotondone. But certainly very pleasant, complex and not cooked as other 2003 I've tasted.
Once in the mouth the body is to be sold, the wine is round and piacione but avercene piacioni of the case. The tannins are fine and acidity, such as intuition, is present and keeps the wine alive, while persistence is a record. The finish turns a bit 'sull'amaro, the only flaw of this wine, which for the rest I found a very good and well done, good expression of the territory (the Colli Orientali del Friuli), where the Merlot is actually a native.
sign that that works well in the vineyard (vines of 30 years, yields of 50 quintals / ha, facing north-east) you can produce good even when the nature pulling against you.
's not a nice wine, is about € 20 in wine shops, but it's worth it.
final point: please, change the slogan on the company website!
ps. excuse the horrible photo, taken at the last minute with the phone.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Grommet Curtain Panels
bottled participate in the proceedings, this site is a great shit.
And we see what remains at the top ....
Via Braudel
The good old googlebombing still works:)
Monday, March 12, 2007
In The Navy With Herpes
This video, via Fiorenzo , brings me back gently in a world where the smell of hair of the boar that runs on the beach in Bolgheri There has only Sus scrofa Tuscan fruit sottospirito slightly macerated in a full moon night is only found in blueberries with my grandfather's brandy and balsamic mountain herbs lo sento nelle Ricola prese dal tabacchino sotto casa.
Il bel mondo dove il vino, mistero dei misteri, sa finalmente di vino. E di uva.
Mondo dal quale, ahimè, mi sto allontanando sempre più.
Beata innocenza!
Monday, March 5, 2007
Amf Bowling Do You Have To Rent Shoes
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Uria Lord Of Searing Flames Draw
And so we have, just in time for final preparations and get the latest signatures. Everything looks good for the first Maisazi Food Event, organized for March 2, 2007 by the volcanic Fradefra of Maisazi.com in collaboration with the Cooking School Altopalato at their headquarters in Via Ausonia 13 Milan. What is this?
- The evolution of the kitchen in Italian history - Toni Sarcina, historian and owner of the Gourmet Cooking School Altopalato, will introduce the argument showing the main steps of this path.
- Cooking utensils and cutting - Francesco de Francesco, bloggers passionate experimentation in the kitchen, will illustrate the importance of proper use of knives and cookware.
- Matching food and wine - Marco Grossi, vice-delegate of ONAV and blogger Bottled origin, will introduce the debate on this aspect too often overlooked.
- kitchen and health - Mariangela Balsamo, blogger maisazi.com, will open the issue of well at the table.
- The network of recipes and recipe on the net - Francesca Valerio, blogger FrancescaV , will explore the relationship between prescriptions and the Internet. While
Friday, February 23, 2007
Female Beach Volleyball Players
Ah, the case. Mocking, malicious or simply ... random! Get the case (in fact) of a trip to London to work, grab a copy of the Republic just before boarding and a ride through the halls of the British headquarters of the prestigious publishing house I work for. And a cell that lacks only make coffee. Voila, the post was made. I'm not delusional, it all comes back. I open the newspaper as the plane flies over the placid French territory (another chance) and what I read? That because of global warming now, including land around Reims are not suited to the production of fine bubbles and that one must look to the north, the perfidious Albion as a new promised land for the production of this type of wine. It appears that Carol Duval-Leroy, of the same name its prestigious French fashion house is seriously interested in buying an estate of 200 hectares in the Bride Valley, Dorset, UK. Sealing (accidentally) owned by Mr. Spurrier, known English wine expert, who (accidentally) The Independent says that " My land is perfect for growing grapes that produce three types of champagne. acidity and soil quality are perfect. Its geographical position as well." Although so far the estate has been the preserve of innocent sheep. Add that London will host the Olympics in 2012, and that the first "champagne" of the channel could be ready for that very date. Since three clues are evidence, not that you are taking global warming (very serious problem, for heaven's sake) as an excuse to open up new markets of production (and consumption), even where there is no real need?
Back to my randomness, I land in London I take the train, then taxi, and I find myself in our office in Hanover Square. Lap time in the corridors in search of the bathroom and what I find myself in front? What you see in the picture above! Then there are two cases: either the journalists are doing great, big parties, or the British are really gearing up to produce their bubbles. Starting to get your palate with the French original product.
begin to fear for all these coincidences ....
For the record, as global warming and wine I have already spoken here and here.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Can You Still Conceive With Painful Ovulation
And so came the bottles. Thanks to Lizzy who had the idea particular to monographic edition of Wine Blogger and the availability of the Albino Armani, a handful of bloggers have finally had a taste of the Foja Tonda, wine grapes Casetta in purity. Brave
company, Armani, represented on this occasion by Giampiero Sappa. Bring their own bottles at the disposal of "snakes" as bloggers means exposing themselves to great risks. But hats off to the courage, especially in a field, like wine, where the rule of "good or bad, as long as we speak" does not hold. The Foja or Casetta Tonda, we said, is one of two indigenous red grape varieties within the new DOC Terradeiforti Valdadige (the other is the Enanzio, and very curious about us. A good producer ....) and that was just discovered and developed by Albino Armani, in the wake of what is a reasonable-facciamocene the nouvelle vogue of indigenous grapes in Italy. A sort of overt reflux after years of barriconi and international grapes. The wine shows in the glass with a bright ruby \u200b\u200bcolor and truly alive. In spite of what often heard (and taught) the color is really a great and important sign of "life path" of a wine. This color tells me high acidity, fruitiness and extreme youth, in spite of the vintage
would like to try, as he says Luk, a few years.